Suicide Watch

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Suicide Watch
Author(s): Emerald
Date(s): 02/11/99
Length: 178.0K
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Suicide Watch

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Suicide Watch is a Sentinel story by Emerald. It has a sequel: Little Boy Lost.

Reactions and Reviews

Don't let the title scare you away. This story has some of the best h/c hospital scenes that I've read. I've gone back to reread parts of the story so many times, I have it memorized. Very emotional, very touching, and very plot-oriented in ways as well, this story follows Jim and the rest of Major Crimes as they try to find out just who is after Blair and why. Emerald writes a very caring and concerned Jim, and a Blair that definitely needs that care. Something I enjoyed reading since I like to see the boys taking care of each other, rather than not. Note: While this story ties up most of the loose ends, there is also supposed to be a sequel coming sometime as well.[1]

The mystery in this was nicely mysterious. The very end was a bit short, though - I mean, the wrap-up happens in all of two paragraphs. Oh well. Now, perhaps this is because the story is supposed to be continued in something called "Little Boy Lost", but if so, I don't think it's been written yet. But overall, this was pretty good. (I liked the joke about the Cigarette Smoking Man...) This story was nominated in the 2000 Cascade Times Awards in the Angst category.[2]
