Spiced Peaches

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Title: Spiced Peaches
Editor(s): Tempest T. Coyote
Date(s): 2005-2019
Medium: ezine fanfic
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: AOS
Language: English
External Links: online here, new location
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Spiced Peaches is a slash Spock/McCoy Star Trek: TOS & AOS e-zine anthology.

Issue 1

Spiced Peaches 1 was published in April 2005. It has art by Sorlak, Acidqueen, Nemo the Everbeing, and Kathy Mezzel.

  • A Little Respect by Qzeebrella
  • Damned Straight by Tempest (Warnings: Character Death, Unrequited)
  • Diaries of an Enterprise Doctor by Sorlak
  • Every Day by Amphioxous Obnoxious
  • Hashing It Out by Amphioxoux Obnoxious
  • I Would Do Anything for Love By Tempest (Warnings: Character Death)
  • The Naked Truth by Amphioxous Obnoxious
  • N'awlines Style by Sunsinger
  • Saint Patrick's Day Filks by Artemis (Warnings: Filk, Kirk/Riley)
  • Satyrs by Angel (Warnings: Sexually Explicit, Discussions of Rape, Character Death, Alternative Universe)
  • So Blasted Honest by Tempest (Warnings: Unrequited)
  • Still Standing by Acidqueen (Warnings: Character Death)
  • Transporter Transformation by K'Chaps (Warnings: BDSM discussions, Sexually Explicit, Unrequited Themes)
  • Uninspired by Acidqueen (Warnings: Sexually Explicit, Pornography, some BDSM themes)

Issue 2

Spiced Peaches 2 was published in July 2005. It has art by by Sorlak, Acidqueen and Artemis

  • An Unusual Gift by Sorlak (Warnings: Male Pregnancy) mpreg
  • Artificial Shades by Acidqueen
  • Dear Dr. McCoy by Artemis
  • Inexplicable by Qzeebrella (Warnings: The mixing of food and sex)
  • Longings by Ster Julie (Warnings: Mild form of stalking)
  • McCoy's Farewell Surprize by Kathy Mezzel
  • Medically Absolved by Tempest (Warnings: Hypnosis; themes of penance)
  • Necessary Treatment by Angel (Warnings: Pon Farr)
  • Oasis by Qzeebrella
  • Rivals by Ster Julie (Warnings: DayCare Story)
  • Sand by Qzeebrella
  • Slash by Artemis
  • Vulcan Vacation by K'Chaps (Warnings: D/s content, Pon Farr)
  • Water by Qzeebrella

Issue 3

Spiced Peaches 3 was published December 2005. It has art by Acidqueen, Tempest and Artemis.

  • After the Credits: Mirror, Mirror. "Mirror Dreams" By Ster Julie (Holiday: It's a Nightmarish World, so it's Halloween)
  • A Good Old-Fashioned Southern Courting by Ster Julie (Indian Summer)
  • Bolian Winter Festival by Qzeebrella (Holiday: Bolian Winter Festival)
  • Clash of the Titans by Artemis (Holiday: Halloween)
  • Counting Turkeys by Tempest (Holiday: Thanksgiving)
  • The Day Before Christmas by Ster Julie (Holiday: Christmas)
  • Everyday Treats by Ster Julie (Holiday: Pick One (Either Thanksgiving or Christmas-ish))
  • Halloween Candy for the Crew by Artemis (Holiday: Halloween)
  • Ho-rah of the Tempest ka (Holiday: The Ho-rah of the Tempest)
  • Lonely Night by Acidqueen (Holiday: Christmas)
  • More Pirate Talk by Artemis (Holiday: International Talk Like a Pirate Day)
  • Resolutions by Tempest (Holiday: New Year's)

Issue 4

Spiced Peaches 4 was published in March 2006. It has art by Mina, Tempest and Artemis.

  • After the Credits: All Our Yesterdays by Ster Julie
  • After the Credits: Bread and Circuses by Ster Julie
  • The Ambassador's Son by Artemis
  • Black and White by Artemis
  • Changes by Jazz Man
  • Helping Hands by T'Sihek
  • Prison Time by Qzeebrella (Comprised of Ten Drabbles)
  • Two Faces, One Love by K'Chaps (Warning: Mind Rape)
  • You'll Never Know by Ster Julie (Warning: Character Death)

Issue 5

Spiced Peaches 5 was published in June 2006.

  • After the Credits: For the World is Hollow, and I Have Touched the Sky by Ster Julie
  • Father's bay By Ster Julie
  • From Gol, with Love by Artemis (Warning: Transsexuality)
  • If Only by Tempest
  • M'Benga Said by Artemis
  • Mindblowing by Ster Julie
  • Mother Goose Filks by Artemis
  • Nautika's Poetry by Nautika
  • Shore Leave Fantasy by Scap3goat
  • Sorry by Artemis
  • Too Close to Touch by Scap3goat
  • Two Faces One Hate by K'Chaps (Warning: BDSM, Nonconsensuality in both the BDSM and in sexual acts, rape themes, language, humilitation, violence, torture, xenophobia, and * Mirror Universe. Contains heterosexual pairings and homosexual pairings beyond S/Mc.)
  • Two Men and a Baby by T'Sihek


  • Nautika
  • Acidqueen
  • Tempest
  • Jessica
  • Nautika
  • T'Sihek
  • Scap3goat

Issue 6

Spiced Peaches 6 was published November 2006.

  • Candle Lit Meditations by Qzeebrella (A Drabble Series in Ten Parts)
  • Follow the Drinking Gourd by Artemis
  • Hot for Teacher by Artemis (Warning: Role Play)
  • Interruptus by Ster Julie
  • Reasons by Estdeustinnob
  • Unexpected Surprises by Tempest (Warning: Mind melds with issues of consent. Humor.)


  • Acidqueen
  • Tempest
  • Mary-Jane Doe
  • Venus Kaio
  • Artemis

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

Spiced Peaches VI - The Stories

A big thanks to Janet. THANKS JANET.

A erudite and technical masterpiece as per usual.

Candle Light Meditations by Qzeebrella

Warmth, Light, Nurturing, Colors, Hope, Comfort, Joy, Beauty, Love, and Darkness

A string of flame-like jewels that make a mesmerizing bauble. Intimate reflections that build on each other - sheer artistry.

Favorite lines:

"He will share his love with Leonard in a meld and he will do it as soon as Leonard comes home. Leonard is his love and his love is for Leonard alone to know."

Interruptus by Ster Julie

First, The filk was lude, crude & rude and funny.

Second, I was upset at first that Spock killed an immerging sentient IA just because it threatened his relationship with Leonard. Later I reasoned that in fact the Enterprise computer was "possessed" by a malignant program that need to the exorcised for her own good as well as the good of the ship's company.

Reasons by Estdeusinnob

Sigh and aw, nothing like a good hurt/comfort story.

Unexpected Surprises Author: Tempest

Great Bird, this is funny!

Spock! You got some `splaining to do. [1]

Issue 7

Spiced Peaches 7 was published in December 2006. The issue is relocated here. Contains art by Tempest, Artemis, and Drusilla Dax.

  • A Birthday Surprise by Chrisy Agitado
  • Fearful Longings by Qzeebrella
  • Ghosts of Christmas Past by Tempest (Warnings: Character Death)
  • Inside Out by Qzeebrella
  • Missy and Aunt Mildred by Qzeebrella
  • Thanksgiving by Ster Julie
  • The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by Artemis

Issue 8

Spiced Peaches 8 was published March 2007. The art is by Tempest, Juliana and Artemis.

The zine is relocated here.

  • Coming Home by Acidqueen
  • Fingers by Qzeebrella
  • Looking Back in Angst by Artemis
  • Memories Lost by Tempest
  • The Sweetest Pain by Scap3goat

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8


Coming Home By Acidqueen

"Star Fleet Spouse the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love."

Wonderful, tender and passionate. Intimately real.

Fingers By Qzeebrella

Oh, oh, oh! Lawd, this requires a whole new category! :D Abso- frigging-lutley fantastic!

Memories Lost By Tempest Warning: There isn't a big enough angst warning to describe this. Preliminary What If?

Huh, what!? How dare you stand a cliché on it head and make it interesting all over again?!! More, soon, please.

The Sweetest Pain By Scap3goat

Young S/Mc H/C in an AU. Initially, I loved it. Terrific story, wonderful details, I could almost smell it.


Experiments in Kink - By Tempest

LOL. You are wicked!

Pick Up Lines 101 - By Tempest

Poor Spock. J

Date Night - By Juliana

ROTFL! I couldn't have said it better myself! A keeper!

Proposal - By Juliana Awww, sweet. Where I did I see those red hangings before?

Shore Leave - By Juliana

Poor Christine, life's a beach.

I loved all the Planet M&M stuff. [2]

Issue 9

Spiced Peaches 9 was published in June 2007. The art was by Mikee, Drusilla Dax, Artemis, and Tempest.

The zine is relocated here.

  • Act Naturally by Tempest (What if Spock had been raised human?)
  • Bitter Cold by Qzeebrella (What if McCoy and Spock were trapped forever in Sarpeidon's past?)
  • Comfort in Reverse by Sorlak (What if Spock's father encouraged his human side and McCoy had been abused by his mother as a child, making him withdrawn and shy.)
  • Constriction by Qzeebrella (What if Leonard had to personally sacrifice something to atone for how he dishonored the Vulcan wedding ritual?)
  • Displaced by Roadstergal (A missing scene between Star Trek II: TWOK and Star Trek III: TSFS.)
  • Mother Goose Filks II by Artemis (A Spock/McCoy take on nursery rhymes.)
  • Omega Victory by CarolK1567 (What if you die?)
  • Small Price to Pay by Acidqueen (What if Spock and McCoy had been stuck on Sarpeidon in "All Our Yesterdays?")
  • Summer Lightening by Artemis (What if Spock, McCoy and the crew were stationed at an USAF base today?)
  • What He Needs by Nautika (What if I can’t give him what he needs?)
  • Whisper by Qzeebrella (What if Leonard McCoy carried Spock's katra, and no one learned about it, ever?)

Issue 10

Spiced Peaches 10 was published in September 2007. The art was by Artemis, Tempest, Drusilla Dax, and Acidqueen.

The zine is relocated here.

  • A Marked Man by Ster Julie
  • Darkness by Qzeebrella
  • The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Ster Julie
  • Keep Good Company by Tempest
  • McCoy Dies by K.V. Wylie
  • Moments in Time by Qzeebrella
  • That Side of Paradise by Artemis

Issue 11

Spiced Peaches 11 was published in December 2007.

It had art by Artemis, Acidqueen and Tempest.

It had two slideshows called "Touch" by Melinda, and a screensaver called "Touch" by Melinda and Ellen. These links are downloadable.

The zine is relocated here.

  • 8 Days by Ellen Smock
  • Garden of Love - Springtime by Qzeebrella
  • Garden of Love - Summer by Qzeebrella
  • Garden of Love - Autumn by Qzeebrella
  • Garden of Love - Winter by Qzeebrella
  • Matter by Qzeebrella
  • Moment by Qzeebrella
  • Spock the Half-Human Vulcan by Artemis
  • When I Was Seventeen (part one) by Tempest

Issue 12

Spiced Peaches 12 was published in March 2008.

The zine has two vids by Melinda, both are downloadable. They were "The Love" with subtitles and the same vid without subtitles.

The zine consisted of art by Artemis, Ellen Smock, Tempest, Lisa Hamner, and K.

The zine is relocated here.

  • And I by Qzeebrella (Summary: Len watches as Spock follows Kirk into dangerous situations.)
  • Boneless by Ster Julie (Spock's jumbled thoughts in the afterglow of sex.)
  • In His Father's Footsteps by Tempest (Summary: After the events of Star Trek: The Final Frontier, McCoy isn’t in the mood for camping. He can’t help but think about his father.)
  • The Joining by Lisa Hamner
  • Lapses by Shannon (Warning: Not a happy fic. Pre-slash.)
  • Leaping Where He's Never Leaped Before by Ster Julie (Quantum Leap Crossover)
  • Self-Examination by Qzeebrella (Summary: Len takes a good long look at himself.)
  • Tangents Taken by Ellen Smock (Author's note: set within Star Trek the Wrath of Khan and Star Trek the Search for Spock.)
  • When a Man Loves a Vulcan, filk by Ster Julie
  • Whispers, poem by Qzeebrella (Author's note: set within Star Trek the Wrath of Khan and Star Trek the Search for Spock.)

Issue 13

Spiced Peaches 13 was published in June 2008. It contained a vid by Melinda called "Unlucky," still downloadable. The art was by Artemis, Ellen Smock, Tempest, Qzeebrella, and Lisa Hamner.

The zine is relocated here.

  • Black Cats and Broken Mirrors by Inky
  • The Bond Song by Artemis
  • Broken Mirror - McCoy POV by Qzeebrella
  • Broken Mirror - Spock POV by Qzeebrella
  • Friction by Melinda
  • Good and Bad by Artemis
  • The Rhapsody by Lisa Hamner
  • Run of Luck by Artemis

Issue 14

Spiced Peaches 14 was published in September 2008. The art was by Artemis, Tempest, Acidqueen, Ellen, Melinda, Julianna, and Lisa Hamner. It also had a vid called "Realize" by Melinda (still downloadable).

The zine is relocated here.

  • A Lion's Share by Rose (Summary: In the Mirror Universe, Dr. McCoy is dying. Spock tends to him, but his thoughts are centered on the doctor's counterpart….)
  • I'm a Doctor, poem by Qzeebrella
  • Into His Arms by Lisa Hamner (Warning: Character Death. *HANKIE ALERT* sad!)
  • Not of the Body by Tempest (Summary: Spock’s thoughts on watching Doctor McCoy under the influence of Landru in “The Return of the Archons.”)
  • One Breath. Two. by Qzeebrella (Summary: The events in Empath uncover one of Leonard's hidden talents.)
  • Shadows of a Man by Acidqueen (Rating: NC-17; intense hurt&comfort adventure with sex sprinkled in between; character death (not Spock or McCoy); descriptions of violence and torture. Author's Note: This is the second of three stand-alone stories in my Rura Penthe AU universe. All stories start with the premise that Kirk and McCoy couldn't be saved from Rura Penthe in ST VI, the Federation President is killed and a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire takes place. What happens to our heroes?)
  • Spanks but No Spanks by Artemis (Summary: A bedroom experiment goes awry.)
  • Starlit Embrace, poem by Qzeebrella

Issue 15

Spiced Peaches 15 was published in December 2008. There were two vids (downloadable): "Closer" Video by Melinda, "This Feeling" Video by Brittannie. The art was by Tempest, Artemis, Melinda and Ellen, M’kyla, Lisa Hamner.

The zine is relocated here.

  • Cages by Maximum (Summary: This takes place during Bread and Circuses.)
  • Guess What by Artemis (Summary: Kirk and McCoy don’t see eye-to-eye on a joke. Warning: Character Death. Author’s Note: Inspired by “The Book of Geek” by Brian Briggs, Top 11 Worst Choices Captain Kirk Made but Weren’t Shown on TV - 9. Telling Bones about the time he walked in on Sulu and Spock naked.)
  • Hand in Hand by Qzeebrella (Author's notes: inspired by the quote, "Gratitude rejoices with her sister Joy." Attributed to both Rabbi Nachman of Breslow and Saint Augustine.)
  • Irresistible Challenge by J. Rosemary Moss (Summary: In the wake of The Journey to Babel, Sarek confronts McCoy, demanding to know what lies between the doctor and his son.)
  • Just an Old Man by Ster Julie (Summary: Spock visits McCoy's grave. Hanky alert!)
  • Remember by Qzeebrella (Author's note: what happened when that priestess did the Fal-tor-pan of reuniting Spock's Katra with his body?)
  • Tangled Webs by Jessica
  • Theragen by Lisa Hamner (Summary: Takes place during “The Tholian Web”. My take on what happened between the scenes when Spock takes a drink of the Theragen derivative with McCoy in his quarters and when he appears on the bridge. This is just a fun story. I felt like writing some straight forward, lighthearted porn. Nothing fancy. I wanted to explore: Why is Spock in such a damned good mood when he appears on the bridge? Probably this scenario has been done before. Ah well.)

Issue 16

Spiced Peaches 16 was published in March 2009. The art was by Mikee, Artemis, and Ster Julie. It also had a vid (downloadable): In Loving Memory video by Melinda, Photo Manips in the video by Acidqueen and Ellen Smock.

The zine is relocated here.

  • Burn by Qzeebrella
  • Fantasy by Emily (Summary: During Kohlinar, Spock faces one of the things he’s tried to avoid for many years. Accompanied art by the same title.)
  • Five Things That Never Happened During "The Search for Spock" by Tempest (Author's Note: I’ve seen this format in other fandoms and thought that it would do well for S/Mc to have one. There’s angst and mentions of character death, but such was the film. Assume for the purposes of all five scenes that they’d been bonded for years before the fatal training mission. The scenes are unrelated, and don’t take place in movie chronological order.)
  • Forgiveness, poem by Qzeebrella
  • Lab 7 by Lisa Hamner (Summary: Spock and McCoy commiserate in their favorite lab.)
  • Like Father, Like Son by Jessica (Summary: A short epilogue to Journey to Babel.)
  • Mercy, poem by Qzeebrella
  • Old Flames by Artemis (Summary: McCoy and Lt. Mareau were close, once.)
  • Oversights by Drusilla Dax (Notes: This is a dark and not happy plot. I adopted the bunny from Rose. Summary: Things might have been different if Spock’s heart weren’t bigger than he pretends.)
  • Puzzles by Saavik (Summary: McCoy asks Spock what caused him to join Starfleet. Spock makes the revelation, and McCoy advises him. Events go from there.)
  • Voyage of Passion by Spocklover2000 (Time line-After being assigned to NCC-1701-A, not long after Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • When the Ax Falls by J. Rosemary Moss (Summary: Bones wonders how much Spock remembers of his most embarrassing moment…)

Issue 17

Spiced Peaches 17 was published in June 2009. The art was by Ster Julie and Artemis. It also had a vid (downloadable): Walking on Sunshine video by Melinda Photo, manips in the video by Ellen Smock, Acidqueen, and Drusilla Dax.

The zine is relocated here.

  • A Short Vacation, poem by Qzeebrella
  • Caught in the Web by Spocklover2000 (Summary: Spock's last 20 minutes as Captain before returning to the bridge and Kirk is rescued from the last interphase.)
  • Georgia by Lisa Hamner
  • Kicking, drabble the Sand by J. Rosemary Moss (Summary: McCoy spends his vacation brooding on what he can't have.)
  • Now Entering Aruba by Tempest (Summary: Doctor McCoy is behaving strangely, sickbay is out of order, and Spock has to get to the bottom of it.)
  • Shore Leave by Jessica (Summary: Spock and McCoy go to Risa for Shore Leave.)
  • Unexpected by Qzeebrella (with a few lines from Cedara)
  • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet by Artemis (Summary: Spock and Bones take in the sights while on shore leave.)

Issue 18

Spiced Peaches 18 was published in September 2009.

The zine is here.

front cover of issue #18, Lisa Hamner
  • The Dance by Jessica
  • An Expression of Grief by Tempest
  • Fun with Strawberries by Lisa Hamner
  • Painful Embrace by Melinda
  • Work Out by Artemis

Issue 19

Spiced Peaches 19 was published in December 2009.

Its theme is "Simon and Garfunkel."

The zine is here.

front cover of issue #19, art by Ellen Smock, riffs on "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel
  • American Tune by Liederlady
  • The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine by Phoenix
  • The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine by Tarantel
  • The Boxer by Ellen Smock
  • Boy in the Bubble (Miracle and Wonder) by Jessica
  • The Dangling Conversation by Shannon
  • Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover by Tempest
  • For the Asking by Tarantel
  • Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream by Lisa Hamner
  • My Little Town by Phoenix
  • Patterns by Shannon
  • She Loves Me Like a Rock (1) by Artemis
  • She Loves Me Like a Rock (2) by Artemis
  • Sound of Silence by Jessica
  • Still Crazy After All These Years by Qzeebrella
  • When I Awoke by Tarantel
  • You Can Call Me Al

Issue 20

Spiced Peaches 20 was published in March 2010. The zine is here.

front cover of issue #20, Tarantel
  • Do Not Look at Me with My T'hy'la's Eyes by Shoshana
  • Emotional Logic by Jessica
  • Etta James Perfect by Quirk of the Trade
  • Marked Men by Ster Julie
  • M*E*S*H (Mobile Emergency Starfleet Hospital) by Artemis
  • My Ageless Love by Ster Julie
  • Parents and Vulcans by Tempest
  • Restrictions by Qzeebrella
  • Show and Tell by Shoshana
  • Snowfire by Qzeebrella
  • Synchronization by Yami no Kaiba

Issue 21

Spiced Peaches 21 was published in June 2010. The issue is here.

front cover of issue #21, Kaska
  • Connection by Jessica
  • Decoration Day by Juliana
  • The Devil's Anvil by Shoshana
  • Eternity on the Good Ship Enterprise by T'Prillahfiction (L. Hamner)
  • Four Times Spock Just Growled When Someone Touched His Leonard, and One Time He Spoke Up by Greywolf the Wanderer
  • Garden of the Bells by Qzeebrella
  • Illusion by Ellen Smock
  • Not Those Three Days by Artemis
  • Realize by Quirk othe Trade
  • Tempest by Shoshana
    • Tempest I - Air
    • Tempest II - Fire
    • Tempest III - Water
    • Tempest IV - Desert
    • Tempest V - Volcano
    • Tempest VI - Communion
  • Treatment Parameters by Ivorysilk
  • Vulcan Villanelle by Shoshana

Issue 22

Spiced Peaches 22 was published in September 2010. The issue is here. Contains art by Ster Julie, Mina, Kaska, L. Hamner, Artemis. Also contained a video called "Say Once More" by Melinda (downloadable).

front cover of issue #22, Mina
  • Awakening by Tempest
  • Broken Hallelujah by Artemis
  • Coming Home by T'Prillahfiction (L. Hamner)
  • Honeymoon Intruder by Shoshana (Crossover story including: Janeway, Picard, & Q)
  • Incidents in Aging by Tempest
  • It Was Pleasant by Ster Julie (AOS)
  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Spocklover2000 (Warning: Mind Rape)
  • Restless Night by Jessie
  • Translucent Skin by Qzeebrella (AOS)
  • The Vulcan Whisperer by Ster Julie
  • When Vulcans Smile by Phoenix (Author requests no feedback)

Issue 23

Spiced Peaches 23 was published in December 2010. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: beginnings and endings. Contains art by Mina, Qzeebrella, L. Hamner, and Artemis. There is also a video by Melinda called "And So It Goes" (downloadble).

front cover of issue #23, Mina
  • After the Credits: This Side of Paradise by Ster Julie
  • A New Beginning by L. Hamner
  • Happily Ever After by Qzeebrella
  • Lapses II: Life Cycles by Shannon (Sequel to Lapses from March 2008 issue)
  • Meetings and Partings by Tempest
  • The Mile High Club by L. Hamner (AOS)
  • Orders by Artemis
  • Second Star On The Right by Qzeebrella (Warning: Crackfic)

Issue 24

Spiced Peaches 24 was published in March 2011. The issue is here. Contains art by Drusilla Dax, Tprillahfiction, Mina, Qzeebrella, and Artemis. There is also a video by Melinda called "Battlefield" (downloadable).

front cover of issue #24, Mina
  • Bonobo by Mina
  • Broken by Tprillahfiction (Warnings: pairings (K/S/Mc, Mc/Others), torture, sex slavery, D/s, bondage, non-con, drug use/abuse, medical horror)
  • Cries Answsered in Darkness by Mary Barnes
  • Lapses III by Shannon (Sequel to Lapses I & II)
  • Opportunities Lost, Opportunities Gained by Ster Julie
  • Smile by Artemis
  • Stuck in a Spaceport with a Grouchy Vulcan by Ster Julie
  • Words Unspoken - Part I by Shoshana
  • Words Unspoken - Part II by Shoshana

Issue 25

Spiced Peaches 25 was published in June 2011. The issue is here. It is also an art-heavy issue. Contains art by Artemis, Tprillahfiction, Qzeebrella, and Peerie. There is also a video by Melinda called "Angels On The Moon" (downloadable).

front cover of issue #25, Mina
  • The Captain's Man by Tprillahfiction
  • The Doc and the Vulcan by Artemis
  • Firepot by Shoshana
  • Gravity by Qzeebrella
  • Lapses IV: Increbresco by Shannon

Issue 26

Spiced Peaches 26 was published in September 2011. The issue is here. Contains art by Tprillahfiction, Ster Julie, and Qzeebrella. There is also a video by Melinda called "ET" (downloadable).

front cover of issue #26, Tprillahfiction
  • Hello, Pot. Meet Kettle by Ster Julie
  • Intruder in the Labyrinth of the Mind by Mary Barnes
  • Let's Get Physical by Ster Julie
  • Or the Doctor Gets It by Tprillahfiction (Warning: MU issues of consent)
  • Salt in the Wound by Mary Barnes (Warning: Salt vampire shenanigans)
  • Solo Mission by Artemis
  • Through a Glass, Darkly by Shoshana (Warning: Other pairings (heterosexual), brief mentions of incest and other topics)

Issue 27

Spiced Peaches 27 was published in December 2011. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: Broadway Musicals. Contains art by Tempest, Artemis, and Acidqueen. There are 3 videos by Melinda: "For Good", "Send in the Clowns", and "You'll Never Walk Alone" (all downloadable).

front cover of issue #27, Mina
  • Dammit, Janet! by Shoshana
  • Kind of Doctor by Shoshana
  • Kind of Vulcan by Shoshana
  • The Movie in My Mind by Shoshana
  • My Fair Doctor by Mary Barnes
  • My Favorite Things by Ster Julie
  • Remembering Friends by Qzeebrella
  • Turn It Off by Tempest

Issue 28

Spiced Peaches 28 was published in March 2012. The issue is here. Contains art by Qzeebrella, Tprillahfiction, and Acidqueen.

front cover of issue #28, Artemis
  • Almost Done by Maximummii (Warning: Unrequited, also S/Ch)
  • Breakfast of Champions by Artemis
  • F*ck the Periodic Table by Tprillahfiction (Warning: NSFW)
  • Lapses V: No Man's Land by Shannon (Warning: References to non-consensual sex in the context of Vulcan mating practices, also S/Zarabeth)
  • Look Before You Leap by Ster Julie
  • "What's Love Got to Do with It? Everything!" by Ster Julie
  • Your Absence Looms by Shoshana

Issue 29

Spiced Peaches 29 was published in June 2012. The issue is here. Contains art by Tprillahfiction, Mary Barnes, Mina, and Ster Julie. There is also a video by Tprillahfiction called "Poker Face" (playable).

front cover of issue #29, Tprillahfiction
  • Five Times Spock and Leonard Got Married by Qzeebrella
  • Georgian On My Mind by Maximum
  • In This Galaxy by Tprillahfiction (Warning: non-con, dub-con, explicit, and rps/rpf)
  • Lombard Street by Artemis
  • Potential Bond Mate by FundaMellie (Warning: Explicit, pon farr references)
  • Role Playing by Shannon
  • The Other by Shoshana (Warning: Mentions of Spock with a surrogate for pon farr)
  • The Second Sacrifice by Mary Barnes (Warning: Mentions of torture, death, plus PTSD)
  • Strange New Cocktails by Artemis

Issue 30

Spiced Peaches 30 was published in September 2012. The issue is here. Contains art by Melinda, Ellen Smock, Tprillahfiction, and Artemis.

front cover of issue #30, Ellen Smock
  • Blind Devotion by Mary Barnes (Warning: Hurt/comfort, injury)
  • The Honey Trap by Artemis
  • Lonely Place by Maximum
  • Pussycat (Or Five Times Spock and McCoy Had Sex In Public and One Time They Didn't) by Tprillahfiction (Warning: Explicit)
  • To Be Like You by Mary Barnes
  • Understanding by Shannon
  • The Void You Left Behind by Mary Barnes
  • When Gorn Pirates Attack by Mary Barnes

Issue 31

Spiced Peaches 31 was published in December 2012. The issue is here. It is also the Hurt/Comfort Issue. Contains art by T'prillahfiction, Mary Barnes, and Ellen Smock.

front cover of issue #31, T'prillahfiction
  • At Phaser Point by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: non-con)
  • Danger in Geology by Mary Barnes (Warning: non-con, explicit, Mc/OMC)
  • Fog by Artemis
  • Forgiveness by Vickyblueeyez
  • The Galileo 2 by Shoshana (Warning: hypothetical other pairings)
  • The Planet of Danger and Change by Mary Barnes
  • Shock by Ellen Smock

Issue 32

Spiced Peaches 32 was published in March 2013. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Artemis, Mary Barnes, and Mac.

front cover of issue #32, T'Prillahfiction
  • A Trio of Triolets by Shoshana
  • The Colors of the Holidays by Mary Barnes
  • His Eyes by Artemis
  • Juxtaposition by Shoshana
  • The Painting by Mac
  • Someone to Watch Over Me by Mary Barnes
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Vulcan by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: Pre-S/Mc, Daddy Kink, de-aging)

Issue 33

Spiced Peaches 33 was published in June 2013. The issue is here. Contains art by Mary Barnes, T'Prillahfiction, and Artemis.

front cover of issue #33, Mary Barnes
  • Advanced Calculus by T'Prillahfiction
  • All Kinds of Heroes by Mary Barnes
  • Apologies and Thank You's by Ellen Smock
  • Cat Got Your Brain? by Mary Barnes
  • The Gay Bomb by Artemis
  • Haiku by Sally
  • The Battle of Pelennor by Nautika

Issue 34

Spiced Peaches 34 was published in September 2013. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Mary Barnes, Ellen Smock, Ster Julie, Artemis, and Melinda.

front cover of issue #34, Melinda
  • Broken Threads by Mary Barnes
  • Eidetic by Shannon
  • I'm Fine by Artemis (Warning: S/Mc/f pairing)
  • Life...Death...Life...Love? Part One by Shoshana
  • Life...Death...Life...Love? Part Two by Shoshana
  • Life...Death...Life...Love? Part Three by Shoshana
  • My Happy Place by Ster Julie
  • Sandy Beach and Mint Juleps by Tprillahfiction
  • Wish Me Luck by Ellen Smock
  • Worst Case Scenario by Thispe

Issue 35

Spiced Peaches 35 was published in December 2013. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: movies. Contains art by Ellen Smock, Melinda, T'Prillahfiction, and Mary Barnes

front cover of issue #35, Artemis
  • Lives at Stake by Mary Barnes (Crossover with Buffy: The Vampire Slayer)
  • Voyages Through Time by Mary Barnes (Crossover with Master and Commander)
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 1: Gone With the Wind by Shoshana (From the Wizard of Oz)
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 2: Were Not in Iowa Anymore by Shoshana (From the Wizard of Oz)
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 3: Into the Woods by Shoshana (From the Wizard of Oz)
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 4: Down by the Riverside by Shoshana (From the Wizard of Oz)

Issue 36

Spiced Peaches 36 was published in March 2014. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Pet Parent, Artemis, and Ellen Smock.

front cover of issue #36, T'Prillahfiction
  • Furry Birthday by Pet Parent
  • I'm a Doctor Not a Poet by T'Prillahfiction
  • Meteor Shower by Nautika
  • OPERATION: Spock's Brain by Artemis
  • Trust Your Reflection in Your Lover's Eyes by Mary Barnes (Warning: Hurt/comfort, medical injuries)
  • The Wizard, the Witch, and the Whirlwind Part 5: Day of the Scorpion by Shoshana (Continued from Spiced Peaches XXXV)
  • The Wizard, the Witch, and the Whirlwind Part 6: Somewhere That's Green by Shoshana
  • The Wizard, the Witch, and the Whirlwind Part 7: Escape from Witch Mountain by Shoshana (WIP - To be continued in Spiced Peaches XXXVI)

Issue 37

Spiced Peaches 37 was published in June 2014. The issue is here. Contains art by Mina, Mary Barnes, Servatia, and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #37, Mary Barnes
  • C.M.O. by petparent (Warnings: Alcoholism in depth)
  • I Am Your Destiny, I'm Your Cure by Servatia
  • In the Depths of Your Beautiful Eyes by Jdpenny
  • The Nemesis Factor by Mary Barnes (Warnings: Mindrape, medical discussions, implications of non-con)
  • Saviour by Servatia
  • Since I Am Myself My Own Fever by Servatia (Warnings: Mention of non-con, h/c)
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 8: We're Off to See the Wizard by Shoshana (Warnings: Off-screen character death (minor character))
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Part 9: Back Home Again by Shoshana
  • The Wizard, the Witch and the Whirlwind Epilogue/Prologue: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Shoshana (Please read the author's notes regarding content (no explicit warnings).)

Issue 38

Spiced Peaches 38 was published in September 2014. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Mary Barnes, Thispe, and Mina.

front cover of issue #38, Artemis
  • On My Own by Artemis
  • The Parasitic Vaccine by Mary Barnes
  • The Slip That Brought Me To My Knees by Servatia
  • What Happens In Vegas... by T'Prillahfiction
  • Will You Still Warm Me, Will You Still Charm Me...When I'm 94 by Mary Barnes
  • Zugzwang by Shoshana

Issue 39

Spiced Peaches 39 was published in December 2014. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: Mirror Universe. Contains art by Lepidoptlover and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #39, Lepidoptlover
  • Direwolves Pawns by Lepidoplover (Warnings: Torture)
  • Imbecile Anthem - Part 1: Hard and Suddenly by Servatia
  • Imbecile Anthem - Part 2: Mistakes by Servatia
  • Imbecile Anthem - Part 3: For All the Imbeciles by Servatia
  • Imbecile Anthem - Part 4: The Ship of Fools by Servatia
  • Operation: Assassinate! by Lepidoplover (Warnings: Torture)
  • The Pirate by Shoshana (Warnings: Non-con (rape and mind rape))
  • Prey by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: Non-con (rape and mind rape, forced bonding))
  • The Rose on the Heath by Servatia

Issue 40

Spiced Peaches 40 was published in March 2015. The issue is here. Contains art by Artemis, T'Prillahfiction, and Lepidoptlover.

front cover of issue #40, Ster Julie
  • A Matter of Choice by Loonywoif (Warnings: Mentions of character death and pon farr.)
  • Dancing by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: Character death.)
  • In Omni Tempore (All In Due Time) by petparent
  • Midwife to Eternal Life by Ster Julie (Warnings: Character death.)
  • Ruby Red by Ster Julie
  • Touch by A-Chan
  • Vulcan Kryptonite by Lepidoplover (Warnings: Injury and hurt/comfort.)

Issue 41

Spiced Peaches 41 was published in June 2015. The issue is here. Contains art by Ster Julie, T'Prillahfiction, and Artemis.

front cover of issue #41, T'Prillahfiction
  • Card Trick by Ster Julie
  • Complicated Still Life with Conceptual Projection by scap3goat
  • Deltan Love Rug by T'Prillahfiction
  • Encounter at Farpoint by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • On My Family's Homestead by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • The Severed Cord (Part 1) by Shoshana (Warning: Death)
  • The Severed Cord (Part 1.5) by Shoshana (Warning: Death)
  • St. George of Life (Part 1 - Heart) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • St. George of Life (Part 2 - Soul) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • St. George of Life (Part 3 - k'hat'n'dlawn)(1) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • St. George of Life (Part 3 - k'hat'n'dlawn)(2) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • Twenty Years (Part 1) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)
  • Twenty Years (Part 2) by scap3goat (Series: A variation in retrospect)

Issue 42

Spiced Peaches 42 was published in September 2015. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Lepidoptlover, and Scrap3goat.

front cover of issue #42, Lepidoptlover
  • A Boring Day Is Not Necessarily a Bad Thing by Ster Julie
  • A Little Knowledge by Artemis
  • The Duke by T'Prillahfiction
  • His Name Is Jim by Scap3goat
  • In Vino Veritas by Lepidoplover
  • Out After Curfew by Scap3goat
  • Out of the Body, Return to Self by Lepidoplover (Warning: Hurt/Comfort, brainwashing)
  • The Severed Cord (Part II) by Shoshana (Warning: Death)
  • Technically, Missing by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: Violence)

Issue 43

Spiced Peaches 43 was published in December 2015. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: kink. Contains art by Lepidoptlover, T'Prillahfiction, and Artemis.

front cover of issue #43, Lepidoptlover
  • Day Out at the Aquarium by T'Prillahfiction (Kink: Adult Baby (Little McCoy and Daddy Spock))
  • Interface by startrekgazer (Kink: Computer Role Playing)
  • Kink by Ster Julie (Kink: Asphyxiation (Humor))
  • Leche Del Padre by Lepidoplover (Kink: Mpreg, Male Lactation)
  • Mystery Story!!!!! by Mystery Author (Kink: D/s relationship, somewhat unwilling (not how you think))
  • Patam il Harr by Artemis (Kink: Shirtless Spock, Chest Hair)
  • The Scent of Your Blood Flames My Desire by Lepidoplover (Kink: Pon farr, Shirtless Spock, Whipping, Mirror Universe)
  • The Spanking by T'Prillahfiction (Kink: Spanking, physical punishment, sickbay sex, Spock talking dirty)

Issue 44

Spiced Peaches 44 was published in March 2016. The issue is here. Contains art by Lepidoptlover and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #44, Gav
  • Attack of the Hamstribbles By Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Creature attacks, B-movie violence)
  • Cellmate (Part I) by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: D/s, Prison sex, Shower sex, Prison life)
  • Cellmate (Part II) by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: D/s, Prison sex, Shower sex, Prison life)
  • Sharing is Caring by Tempest
  • A Third Option by Tempest
  • Vulcan Sand In Your Shoes by Shoshana

Issue 45

Spiced Peaches 45 was published in June 2016. The issue is here. Contains art by Lepidoptlover and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #45, Lepidoptlover
  • Am I Vulcan? by Shoshana
  • A Noble Sentiment by Loonywoif
  • Another Blasted Takeover by waseom
  • Doctor Grumpy by Artemis
  • McCoy's Peculiar Phobias by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: H/C, Medical/Psychological)
  • The Mystery of the Medical Mind by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: H/C, Medical)
  • Night on Vulcan by Lepidoptlover
  • Power of Attorney for Healthcare by Ster Julie
  • Scream For Me by tprillahfiction (Warnings: Dub Con/Non Con (Aliens made them do it), violence, description of blast injuries, medical procedures)
  • Shoreleave in Long Beach by tprillahfiction
  • Sixty Seconds by tprillahfiction

Issue 46

Spiced Peaches 46 was published in October 2016. This issue contains a theme: Pon Farr. The issue is here. Contains art by Shannon Rose (sleepymccoy), T'Prillahfiction, and Pet Parent.

  • After the credits: Encounter at Farpoint by Ster Julie
  • Firefighter by Ster Julie
  • Have the Radio On by punk-rock-yuppie (Warnings: Alien genitalia/Pseudo-vagina, Biology Made Them Do It, mild comeplay, implied mpreg)
  • It's Tricky by T'Prillah fiction
  • The Logic of the Situation by TAFKAB
  • Oh, It's Pon Farr Time Again by Ster Julie
  • Photo Mini-Fics by Ster Julie
  • Power Imbalance by Tempest (Warnings: Background D/s dynamics)
  • The Witching Hour by pet parent

Issue 47

Spiced Peaches 47 was published January 2017. The issue is here. Contains art by T'Prillahfiction, Ymirsworld, Spones-in-my-bones, Jeanjacketsblog, and A-Chan.

  • And a Happy New Year by T'Prillahfiction
  • All I Want for Hanukkah Is You by Petparent
  • A Sweet Experiment by Mandy
  • Castaways by Takfab (Warnings: Depression, Suicide Attempt)
  • Hand-picked Chocolates by Adenil (Warnings: Soft D/s, Intoxicated Sex)
  • Heat Transfers from Warmest to Coldest by Allislaughter
  • I Sometimes Need Reminding by Xcourtney_chaoticx
  • Just Let Me Go by Ster Julie (Warnings: Character Death)
  • Snuggling in a Cave by T'Prillahfiction
  • Too Hot for Teacher by Artemis
  • We Ran Away by RegulationBlues
  • The Waznovian Affair by Lepidoptlover
  • your life (is a work of art) by A-Chan

Issue 48

Spiced Peaches 48 was published in April 2017. The issue is here. Contains art by sleepymccoy, T'Prillahfiction, PhantomBrushy, Lepidopt Lover, PetParent, a-rich-metaphor, Hamnerd, and Batset.

  • Down in Engineering by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: NC-17; sequel to "Green Hearts" from same issue)
  • Earth 2 by Lepidoptlover (Warning: NC-17)
  • Of Endings and Beginnings by Petparent (Warning: NC-17)
  • Four Times Spock Just Growled When Someone Touched His Leonard, and One Time He Spoke Up by Greywolf the Wander (Warning: crackfic)
  • Fond Memories by Trekker
  • Green Hearts by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: NC-17)
  • A Night of Grief by Tempest (Warning: Character death; post-TWOK)
  • A Pictoral Essay on the Spiced Peach-iness of "The Ultimate Computer" (as told by Spock and McCoy) by Ster Julie
  • A Spones Haiku by Thefluffyduckling17

Issue 49

Spiced Peaches was published July 2017. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Mintyredmask, Artemis, PhantomBrushy, T'Prillahfiction, Maeson C, Spones-On-My-Bones, Shannon Rose (sleepymccoy), and Lepidoptlover.

  • All Our Tomorrows by NervousAsexual
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor)(Part I) by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor)(Part II) by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor)(Part III) by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor)(Part Epilogue) by Adenil (to be continued in Issue LI)
  • Five Times That Spock Was Called "Darling" and the One Time He Welcomed It by Ster Julie
  • He Plays With Vulcan Strings by Alexa Baird, with audio by A-Chan
  • Kitchen Fun by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: NC-17)
  • Never Truly Alone by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Medical, Hurt/Comfort)
  • Should You Fall, I will Hold You Up Even If I'm Human by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Medical, Hurt/Comfort)

Issue 50

Spiced Peaches 50, AKA Fifty Shades of Peaches, was published September 2017. This issue contains a theme: Alternate Universes. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Artemis, PhantomBrushy, Lepidoptlover, Autumn-in-April, T'Prillahfiction, and Charlie (CMDonovann).

front cover of issue #50, Artemis
  • A Pirates Life for Me by T'Prillahfiction. Pirate AU (Pirates of the Carribbean ride) (Warnings: NC-17, dub-con, consent issues, alcohol abuse)
  • Beginnings: Pretend You Don't Know Me (1-2) by Trekker (Spock and McCoy met as teenagers AU)
  • Beginnings: Pretend You Don't Know Me (3-5) by Trekker (Spock and McCoy met as teenagers AU)
  • Beginnings: Pretend You Don't Know Me (6-7) by Trekker (Spock and McCoy met as teenagers AU)
  • Beginnings: Pretend You Don't Know Me (8) by Trekker (Spock and McCoy met as teenagers AU)
  • Chaser (Part 1) by KoruLunan (AU: Spock and McCoy meet at a bar, post-divorce)
  • Fairest by myfavoriteismike @ ao3 / one-pale-blue-dot @ tumblr (Mirror Universe)
  • Heroes Through the Guardian by Lepidoptlover (X-Men/Star Trek crossover)
  • Hogsmeade Visit by logicallythyla/M G Frye/AllysiaInWonderland (Harry Potter AU)
  • Maybe This Thing Was a Masterpiece (Til You Tore It All Up) by Jessicamiriamdrew (AOS AU: Amanda survived the destruction of Vulcan; Michael Burnham integrated into universe)
  • Murder on the Enterprise Express by A-Chan (Murder Myster AU)
  • Nyota's Palace of Sugar (Part 1) by Adenil (Strip Club/Sex Work AU)(Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sex, sex work)
  • Nyota's Palace of Sugar (Part 2) by Adenil (Strip Club/Sex Work AU)(Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sex, sex work)
  • The One With the Dogs Who Supervise Time by NervousAsexual (AU: Post Series, Time Guardian Dogs)
  • Run Don't Walk by Artemis (AU: Spock receives Vulcan training to become Spock's bondmate)
  • Seven Days by whatifimamermaid (Present Day Academia AU)
  • Take Your Father to Work Day by Tempest (Son of a Diplomat/Son of a Healer AU)
  • Time by T'Prillahfiction (Merchant Space Fleet AU)(Warnings: R-rated, sexual slavery, drug and alcohol use)
  • (You Had Me at) Hello by logicallythyla/M G Frye/AllysiaInWonderland (Phone Sex Hotline AU)(Warning: R for graphic phone sex)

Issue 51

Spiced Peaches 51 was published January 2018. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Khalid, Tribblekibble, T'Prillahfiction, Lepidoptlover, and Artemis.

front cover of issue #51, Khalid
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor) Part 2.0 by Adenil (sequel to Ashaya from Issue 49)
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor) Part 2.1 by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor) Part 2.2 by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor) Part 2.3 by Adenil
  • Ashaya (Tehs-tor) Part 2.4 by Adenil
  • A Candle's Flicker by palomino333 (Warnings: NC-17 for explicit sex, references to beatings and death)
  • An Enterprise Carol by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, MU references)
  • Fly Don't Run by Artemis
  • Happy Birthday! by illogical-punk
  • Ice Skating by T'Prillahfiction
  • Love Is... by Khalid
  • Love is Aftercare by Khalid (Warnings: NC-17 for explicit sex and MU)
  • The Old Switcheroo Part 1 by Khalid (Warning: TOS/Voyager Crossover)
  • A Vulcan's Wishlist for the Holidays by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Hurt/Comfort)
  • When by Allislaughter/Alexa Baird
  • Why by Khalid
  • You Can't Blame Gravity by Esperata (Warnings: rated M)

Issue 52

Spiced Peaches 51 was published April 2018. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Lepidoptlover, T'Prillahfiction, Artemis, and Phantombrushy.

front cover of issue #52, Lepidoptlover
  • Dream On by palomino333 (Warnings: M with references to past sexual and mental assault and death)
  • Experience by Adenil (Warnings: NC-17 for explicit sex, gender swapping)
  • Happy Valentines by Khalid
  • Keeping Secrets by T'Prillahfiction
  • Mr. Spock vs. Mr. Squeak by Hypernaut
  • Obsession (Part 1) by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Hurt/comfort, medical scenes)
  • Obsession (Part 2) by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: Hurt/comfort, medical scenes)
  • The Old Switcheroo Part 2 by Khalid (Warnings: M, possibly X)
  • Optical Illusion by Esperata
  • Please Don't Cry, Spock by Lepidoptlover

Issue 53

Spiced Peaches 53 was published July 2018. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Lepidoptlover, Phantombrushy, SleepyMcCoy, Esperata, and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #53, Lepidoptlover
  • A Night to Remember by Thea Nishimori
  • Baited Breath by Esperata
  • Crystal Blue Persuasian by Lepidoptlover
  • However Improbable by JesBelle
  • Inside Out by Thispe
  • The Love Building by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: R, some consent issues)
  • Oh That Fancy Dog by petparent
  • Shadow Play by palomino333 (Warnings: NC-17 for explicit sex, slight D/s dynamics)
  • Where Bluebirds Fly by Willowbilly
  • Why Do You Do That by StellarLibraryLady (Warning: NC-17)
  • Why the Beauty is a Beast by Hypernaut
  • Z-Axis by palomino333 (Warnings: NC-17 for explicit content, mild gore)

Issue 54

Spiced Peaches 54 was published October 2018. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: music. Contains artwork by Lepidoptlover, Artemis, PhantomBrushy, and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #54, Lepidoptlover
  • Alone by Lepidoptlover (Warnings: M)
  • Bad Case of Loving You by StellarLibraryLady
  • Friends Don't by onlysltlyobsds1
  • Good Vibrations by StellarLibraryLady
  • Here on Earth by Petparent
  • In My Dreams by Esperata
  • Mr. Tillman/Hotel California by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: NC-17)
  • One and Only by StellarLIbraryLady
  • Pretty Woman: Once by Esperata (Warnings: Implied rape/prostitution. Cross dressing)
  • Pretty Woman: Twice by Esperata (Warnings: Implied rape/prostitution. Cross dressing)
  • Pretty Woman: Three Times by Esperata (Warnings: Implied rape/prostitution. Cross dressing)
  • Return to Me by StellarLibraryLady
  • Save Me by paloino333 (Warnings: Mental torture and humiliation, references to sex, references to character death)
  • The Search is Over by Lepidoptlover
  • Stars by palomino333 (Warnings: M, nudity, references to past character death, references to infidelity, references to racism)

Issue 55

Spiced Peaches 55 was published Janury 2019. The issue is here. This issue contains a theme: new year. Contains artwork by Anonymous, Lepidoptlover, Hamnerd, Artemis, PhantomBrushy, MaesonC, and T'Prillahfiction.

  • Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better) by StellarLibraryLady
  • Dance Macabre by palomino333 (Warning: NC-17)
  • The Embers Cool by palomino333 (Warning: NC-17)
  • I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm by StellarLibraryLady
  • The Lennies (Part I) by T'Prillahfiction (Sequel to Mister Tillman/Hotel California from Issue 54, Warning: R)
  • The Lennies (Part II) by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: R)
  • The Lennies (Part III) by T'Prillahfiction (Warning, R)
  • The New Years Eve Wedding by T'Prillahfiction
  • New Year's Resolutions by Lepidoptlover
  • Rewrite the Stars by Esperata
  • The Rose in Ice by palomino333 (Warnings: NC-17, explicit sex, slight mind control)
  • Some Enchanted Evening by StellarLibraryLady
  • The Spock/McCoy Drabble Chronicles by Petparent (Warnings: R, mention of character death [not Spock or McCoy])
  • Under Paris Skies by StellarLibraryLady (Warning: M)

Issue 56

Spiced Peaches 56 was published April 2019. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Kaleb S (mcspirkhell), Lepidoptlover, and T'Prillahfiction.

  • Birthday Cake by T'Prillahfiction
  • The Cat's Pyjamas by Esperata
  • The Five Times McCoy And Spock Wound Up Sleeping Together And The First Time They Really Wanted To (Part I) by StellarLibraryLady (Warning: R)
  • The Five Times McCoy And Spock Wound Up Sleeping Together And The First Time They Really Wanted To (Part II) by StellarLibraryLady (Warning: R)
  • The Five Times McCoy And Spock Wound Up Sleeping Together And The First Time They Really Wanted To (Part III) by StellarLibraryLady (Warning: R)
  • The Interview by Petparent
  • Mirror Image by Thispe (Warnings: NC-17, dark, physical, mental and emotional abuse, non-con, explicit sexual content, violence. MU Spock/McCoy)
  • The Murasaki Effects by Lepidoptlover
  • Regret (Part I) by T'Prillahfiction (Sequel to The Lennies from Issue 55, Warnings: NC-17, explicit sex and consent mention)
  • Regret (Part II) by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: NC-17, explicit sex and consent mention)
  • Relics by palomino333 (Warnings: R (foreplay and mentions of masturbation))
  • Shore Leave With A Twist by StellarLibraryLady (Warnings: R/NC-17)
  • Stars Beneath His Skin by Ellopoppet
  • A Thorn In My Side by Lepidoptlover

Issue 57

Spiced Peaches 57 was published July 2019. The issue is here. Contains artwork by Petparent, Lepidoptlover, Hamnerd, and T'Prillahfiction.

  • A Night Out by Petparent
  • Bolus by T'Prillahfiction (Rated R for profanity; sequel in a series (see notes at beginning of story))
  • Bones Is a Gorn's Baby Daddy?!!! by Lepidoptlover
  • Hot as Vulcan by Lepidoptlover
  • If I Woulda Wanted Social Intercourse, I Woulda Asked For It by StellarLibraryLady
  • Life Sentence by Hypernaut
  • Muscling In by T'Prillahfiction (Warning: R)
  • Simple Arithmetic by Brandi Kochan
  • Soaking Up The Sun by StellarLibraryLady
  • Spock Likes Spandex by StellarLibraryLady
  • Uncharted Territory by palomino333
  • Waiting is the Hardest Part by Petparent

Issue 58

Spiced Peaches 58 was published October 2019. The issue is here. Contains artwork by PhantomBrushy, Lepidoptlover, Hamnerd, Iditios-In-Space, and T'Prillahfiction.

front cover of issue #58, Lepidoptlover
  • Autumn In My Heart by StellarLibraryLady
  • Bonus Feature by Petparent (Warning: R)
  • But Where Is Your Heart? by StellarLibraryLady
  • Chyme by T'Prillahfiction (Warnings: Mention of baby death and McCoy's father's death in flashback)
  • Do As I Say, Not As I Do by StellarLibraryLady
  • More Than Anyone Knows by Lepidoptlover
  • One Guy, Two Guys, Redshirt, Blueshirt by Trekker
  • What Was Lost by palomino333 (Warning: M)


  1. ^ comment at alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated, September 4, 2006
  2. ^ review at alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated, March 4, 2007