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Title: Snuff
Author(s): Momo and TLR
Date(s): 2000s
Genre: hurt/comfort
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
External Links:
cover of a printed version ot the story, artwork by Lorraine Brevig

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Snuff is a Starsky & Hutch hurt/comfort story by Momo and TLR that was posted online in the mid-2000s.

A 56-page version of the story was printed out and donated to the University of Iowa archives. On the cover was artwork by Lorraine Brevig.

In 2018, three Starsky & Hutch fans discussed a roadtrip to the University of Iowa fanzine archives during the podcast Meandtheeandthree. What follows is a transcript excerpt from the podcast:

I also read some really angsty hurt/comfort ...a zine called Snuff that Jen had read on a previous one and she was like, oh my God, terrible things are happening to Hutch. And so I read that and indeed, terrible things happen to Hutch. Yeah.

Jen: They involve priests.

Monica: All the content warnings, all the content warnings.

Rachel: That's a more recent one, because that's from the early 2000s, wasn't it?

Monica: I honestly don't remember. It very well. Could been.[1]
