Sentinel Shift

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Sentinel Shift
Author(s): Krisser
Date(s): 2001
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Sentinel Shift is a Sentinel story by Krisser.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Because the first sex scene is so freaking hawt. Plot? Yeah, there's one of those too. Seems someone's stalking Blair. He starts receiving threatening letters and packages. Jim becomes increasing protective, and when Blair receives a particularly personal "gift" from his stalker, Jim reverts completely to primitive!Sentinel. He's crazed with the need to get the stalker's offending odor off of his guide and starts rubbing and licking and it hot in here?

But it was when his guide arched up to him that all control went off the scale. His guide wanted him to claim him. He roared in delight. He roughly started licking behind the ears, he drank in the scent. He nipped and bit along the jaw line and froze as he saw the deep bite mark. He sniffed it and recognized his saliva, he licked it and resumed his nibbling.

The guide understood that his Sentinel had very little if any control left. He wanted Jim to take him, but didn't want to be hurt. It would be unpleasant and later it would bother Jim greatly. So Blair arched up his neck and exposed it fully. A move to signal his submission to his mate. Sandburg hoped that would trigger the desire to couple and allow him to be taken more gently.

The Sentinel did recognize the move. His guide wanted to be his mate, willingly. Yes. All mine. No one else will touch him. He purred as he licked and nipped the neck and chest. He washed the armpits fully. As he worked his way down to the navel, he felt tender caresses on his back. His guide was touching him. A joy spread through him.

The sheer, erotic imagery of Jim as cat (panther), licking and sucking and biting his mate is enough to suck me in. But, there's also an interesting plot and some wonderful angst -- does Jim really love and want Blair or is he just temporarily in thrall to his primitive instincts? Read it and find out. ETA: I like this fic A LOT. However, in the interests of full disclosure and to prevent readers from feeling they were misled, I feel I should acknowledge the writing style is a bit florid. Unnecessary and potentially distracting epithets are plentiful and IMHO, Jim's transitions from single-minded primitive!Sentinel to "normal" Jim and back are too convenient. If you're the type of reader who can't overlook a few imperfections, this fic is probably not for you. I love it though.[1]

...Cascade's Sentinel walked around...Connor shared with the tall commander...said the anthropologist turned detective... - god what kind of style is that? Has it a name or is it simply called BAD...? [2]

I admit I hesitated to rec this one. I knew it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. The prose is a places. I have issues with the style as well as Jim's convenient transitions, so to speak, between primitive!Sentinel and regular!Jim. But, I also can't deny I've reread it a dozen times and that it's one of my favorite TS fics. A guilty pleasure, perhaps? I've never been a reader who's unable to overlook and forgive the bad, when there's so much good to be had. Jim as out-of-control primitive!Sentinel, marking and claiming his guide, possessive!Jim, and the angst...what can I say? This is definitely a button fic for me. Sometimes you gotta take the bad with the good.[3]


  1. ^ 2006 comments at Crack Van
  2. ^ 2006 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ 2006 comments at Crack Van