Second Sight (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Second Sight
Author(s): Pam Rose
Date(s): 1990
Fandom: Blake's 7
External Links: Second Sight, Archived version

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Second Sight is a Blake's 7 Blake/Avon story by Pam Rose.

It was published in Fire and Ice #1.

Reactions and Reviews

So, this is my favourite one that isn't on the internet. To be fair to it - that sounds like faint praise, when what I really mean is 'this is a really good fic!' It's mostly PWB with a 'The Way Back from Avon's POV' framing narrative - this latter bit I could have lived without, although it has some nice Avon-Vila and Avon-Jenna moments. The actual PWB section is some of the best PWB stuff I've read - Blake is recruiting Avon for the revolution, but keeps accidentally forgetting to tell him that's what's going on. Cue big blow out, which is nicely done. Almost uniquely for zine-era fic the sex is merely implied rather than explicit, but it doesn't really need to be there.

My problem with this fic is that like so many amnesia fics - it's missing its ending where we find out the consequences of what has happened. Just saying 'the consequences' are 'the show as you watched it' isn't satisfying unless you 100% believe this specific premise. And it's good - but not quite that good.

Oddly enough, thinking about it, I'd probably accept the ending as written without the framing narrative - if what happens is Blake gets taken away and brainwashed and Avon thinks 'well, I never want to see him again!!' then there's enough dramatic irony to make it work and close it down. But the fact that we see Avon looking at Blake in the cell makes me think there will be something else/that we're leading into a larger story. And we're not.

That's a harsh complaint, though, and basically, as I say, I liked this one.[1]

PWB, Blake (at his most charismatic and interested best) is recruiting Avon for the revolution, but keeps accidentally forgetting to tell him that's what's going on. Cue big blow out, which is nicely done. Almost uniquely for zine-era fic the sex is merely implied rather than explicit, but it doesn't really need to be there. Katy isn't convinced that the WB framing device needs to be there, but its well done and has some nice Avon-Vila and Avon-Jenna interactions.[2]
