Second Chance (Star Trek: TOS story by Patricia Laurie Stephens)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Second Chance
Author(s): Patricia Laurie Stephens
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Second Chance is a Kirk/Spock story by Patricia Laurie Stephens.

It was published in the print zine Otherwhere/Otherwhen #2.


"On his way to Iowa following his mother's death, a depressed Admiral Kirk and his counterpart from another dimension trade places, each man believing they have nothing left to hold them in their own."

Reactions and Reviews

Patricia Laurie Stephens has written a 148-page novel called "Second Chance". It's premise is rather unusual, and frankly I didn't think it could be done too realistically. Jim Kirk and Jamie Kirk trade places. Both are unhappy with their lives, James T. as the starship captain and Jamie as the family man with a very modest earth occupation. Jamie is what Jim might have been. When they start living each other's life, very interesting things happen. The author (and she's an excellent writer) did a very good job of making this story believable. But, of course, you have to give it a chance and accept the basic plotline. This story kept ay interest and was frankly worth the time it took to read the 148 pages. This is a story where Jim learns about himself and his mistakes. He changes. Jamie, however, changes the most, and I found myself growing very fond of him just pages after I had wanted to kick his butt for being so stupid. The final conversation between the two is very well done, only to be topped by the conversation at the novel's end. This story has very excellent characterization. And can you believe it... almost no sex!! Since I tend to love hot sex, heavy rape, and a lot of the "darker" side of K/S that repels many fans, this is a fantastic compliment from me. I recommend this novel/story. [1]
