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Name: savoytruffle
Alias(es): Savoy Truffle
Type: fanwriter
Fandoms: Buffy
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savoytruffle is a fanwriter.

Fan Comments


savoytruffle writes Spander. She writes wonderful Spander. She writes sweet, funny, sexy, real, delightful, downright delicious Spander. It may be AU that's a slight left turn from canon, or it may be all-human AU, or it may be something in between. Who cares--it's all fantastic. I think what I love most about her writing is the way she deftly combines humor and kindness and eroticism and humanity. A perfect example of this is "Waking Up": Xander comes to in a Barney-like purple demon body, and his friends don't recognize him, and the Initiative snatches him, and who should he happen to be imprisoned next to but . . . Spike. Who is the only one who can understand him when he talks in his new demon language. And it just gets even better from there. Tender, sweet, snarky, laugh-out-loud funny . . . unbeatable.

Unless, of course, it goes up against "There's Your Trouble," her current WIP, where Buffyverse Xander gets switched with AU Xander, and there are sexy Spikes in both worlds, but one Xander is out, and the other is . . . not . . . and . . . I don’t know how she’s going to end this, but I’m loving, loving, loving it. As usual. [E.T.A. 11/20/05--She's finished it! It has a perfect ending! She dedicated the final chapter to me! This is why we need a punctuation mark beyond the exclamation point . . . ]

And then there are the rather more daring pieces, with just enough sweetness to balance the kink, and sometimes a bit more angst . . . from the twisty "Fulfilling a Fantasy" to the darker "Three’s a Crowd" to the wistful "Wonderverse." I'll read plotlines from her that I'd never be attracted to otherwise, and these three are examples of that. There's a fundamental--decency--toward the characters that always attracts me and makes me understanding and caring toward them. That's an impressive gift.

And then there's "Survival Instincts" and the Xander-and-Spike in Africa tales. These are actually what brought me to her and hooked me firmly in the first place, which I think says it all. Good, good stuff!...

You can't write about savoytruffle without noting the lovely work she's done in collaboration with reremouse. The first such that I encountered was "In From the Cold," the all-human AU I commented on at length in the thread linked to earlier in this entry. This was, indeed, a leap of faith for me, and one I'm very glad I made. While the concept of all-too-human twins named William and Spike meeting up with a non-Sunnydale, very sweet Xander who finds himself attracted to both of them is intriguing, it was also a bit emotionally risky for me. I can be a bit . . . conventional . . . in my tastes, especially regarding eroticism. (Can I say that as a person who reads so much slash? Oh, well . . .) So it's saying a lot that I find the final scene of IFTC to be incredibly tender and moving and romantic and loving . . . and, yes, very, very sexy. (Don't cheat and start at the end! You have to earn that moment to get its full emotional resonance, and, believe me, you'll enjoy every moment of the trip!) These two fine writers have now formalized their partnership; check out trufflemouse. Go there for the hot, funny, and charming "Sense and Sensibilities (Objects in the Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear)" which has Xander as the not altogether unwilling object of desire of Spike and . . . someone else. [1]


  1. ^ 2005 comments by Cindershadow