Reunited (Star Trek: TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Reunited
Author(s): Anna Parrish
Date(s): 1989, 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Reunited is a Kirk/Spock story by Anna Parrish.

It was published in Candlelight and Flames #1 and Naughty Bits.


"A/U: Six months after Genesis, Kirk finally realizes that part of his bondmate still lives."

Reactions and Reviews

The best thing about this TSPS story is the Spock dialogue. There are some reaily great Spock lines like: I fail to see what this touching has to do with my request." Otherwise, however, it's a fairly routine and predictable story line. I do have a few nits to pick. In military terms "junior officer" means an officer of junior grade -- such as an Ensign or a Lieutenant. Spock was a senior command officer throughout the K/S reiationsnip -- either a Commander or a Captain. Therefore Kirk couid be charged with fraternization with a junior officer if he had a relationship with Uhura during the five year mission, but not for having one with Spock. I aiso had a problem with McCoy being given a drug for Vulcans because Spock was in his mind. Drugs also have an effect on the body. Did Kirk even think about what a Vulcan drug might do to McCoy's human metabolism? I liked Sarek bringing up the issue of Kirk's extradition. Many stories that deal with the events post-TSPS ignore that totally. I would have liked it even more if Sarek and Kirk had discussed the political/diplomatic ramifications of denying Starfleet's request for extradition. I think the story may be too narrowiy focused on Kirk's viewpoint, and that it could use more of a context. [1]
