Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists

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Forever Knight Faction
Name: Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists
Abbreviation: PoCBS
Date(s): 1997 (name appears occasionally in sigs to posts on ForKNI-L}
Leaders: defunct
Founder: Leah Rainey
Type: shared interests
Focus: survivalism (esp. how to survive a vampire attack)
Community: PoCBS (Yahoo!Group)
URL: The Forever Knight Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists Faction Page - archived
Faction icon for the PoCBS, created by Greer Watson in 2012.
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The Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists (or PoCBS) was a short-lived tongue-in-cheek faction within Forever Knight fandom for people who were confident that they would have survived the so called "Pit of Condemned Bimbos"—the dungeon in which, in the 13th century, Nick Knight kept his victims in the flashback to the episode "Fallen Idol".[1]

According to Brenda Bell in a post made to [email protected] on 9 March 2011:

We were the ones who, while enjoying the idea of being snacked on by Nick, wouldn't have wanted to died from the experience (or become permanent members of the night shift).

We were, at least in theory, preparing ourselves to survive the experience of becoming a "Neck of the Week".

The faction was founded by Leah Rainey in August 1997, but was defunct within a year.[2] It had a mailing list, PoCBS, and a short-lived faction website, The Forever Knight Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists Faction Page that was abandoned half complete.

[T]he Pit of Condemned Bimbo Survivalists (PoCBS) [...] was based on the idea that we'd survive being in the Pit. It had very little action, but some posts (mostly mine, TBH) suggested pics of us in ren garb and links to what might now be called Prepper sites.

— Brenda Bell, FORKNI-L, 1 January 2020


Members included Leah Rainey, Brenda Bell, KiloNyte, Heather J. Williams, Cousin Mel, Cousin Helene, Anna, and Raven.

Faction Icon

In 2012, Greer Watson created an icon for the Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists as part of her project to create a set of icons for all the Forever Knight factions. The design composits a screen capture from "Fallen Idol" (showing Nick holding one of the captives in the dungeon) with a photograph of a female martial artist, positioned so that she is kicking in Nick's direction.[1]


  1. ^ The information in this page is adapted from the article on the Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists in the Forever Knight Wiki. Much of the information was supplied by Brenda Bell in posts made to [email protected] on 8 and 9 March 2011.
  2. ^ There are still a few fans who continue to consider themselves members and put the name of the faction in their sigs when posting to the mailing list.