Piece by Piece

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Piece by Piece
Author(s): Jael Lyn
Date(s): March 2001
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: AO3, personal website

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Piece by Piece is a Sentinel story by Jael Lyn.

Reactions and Reviews

This one is another post-TSbyBS story; it opens with a nice domestic scene and banter, and then goes on, in the next scene, to the Big Surprise of the story. I found the actual surprise pretty plausible, but the manner of its revelation was a bit hard to believe -- I don't think real, er, documenters, would have been that unwarningly intrusive, or taken a lack of answer as assent -- how stupid and rude! What if Blair was out or on holiday or had moved, for goodness' sake? However, it did make things very dramatic. But the actual point of the story, and what Jim is prompted to do as a result, that's good. I'm not entirely sure which version of the story I prefer -- with or without the epilogue. The one without is in some sense more focused, but if the epilogue hadn't existed then I probably would have been whining for one.[1]


  1. ^ 2001 comments at Katspace