Perfect World (Real Ghostbusters zine)

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Title: Perfect World
Publisher: Bandersnatch Press, later Criterion Press
Author(s): Jeff Morris
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1992
Medium: print
Fandom: Real Ghostbusters
Language: English
External Links: Online here
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Perfect World is a gen 53-page Real Ghostbusters novel by Jeff Morris.

The sequel is All Hallows Eve.

From the Author

The author writes that:

1)This is NOT a sequel to THE VAMPIRE JANINE. While several characters from TVJ are mentioned within this novella, it's more because I like writing them than anything else.
2) Despite the beliefs of one or two deluded individuals, PERFECT WORLD is based on THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS, the animated television show -- to be specific, the syndicated episodes. Ain't no Tully or Slimer in these pages, though. Don't like either of 'em, and never will. Period.
3) Any resemblance between a character standing around in this story and the title character of a certain DC comic book is purely intentional. And if you really ought to try the title ... it's the best stuff on the market today.

From the Editorial

From the editorial:

And to think I thought that since the first novella was a breeze, so would the second one ....

PERFECT WORLD has been playing around in my head for about two years now, but I had no intentions to write it so soon. After MediaWest and THE VAMPIRE JANINE's enthusiastic reception (thanks, by the way, to everyone who nominated it for a 1992 Fan-Q, I thought I'd do a sequel to it and get a few other stories out of my system...

Around November, with a few Next Generatior stories, an RGB story for PKE READINGS 3, and an unfinished TNG novella on hand, I got the itch to try another Ghostbuster novella, one unrelated to TVJ.

I'd talked about the plot for PERFECT WORLD at the MediaWest RGB party to a few people and gotten an enthusiastic response (I also got a few "why don't you write that story you mentioned in JANINE about Egon, the all-female cult, his virginity, and how Janine 'saves' him?", which gives you a pretty good idea about what RGB fans want to see ... how much they want to see, on the other hand, is up to debate). So I toned down a few of the plot twists ... one was just too angst ridde and nasty to do to anyone, much less Janine (who along with Egon remains my favorite character to write) ... and set them to work. Three months later, I tackled the second draft and finished at the end of March.

Reactions and Reviews

Perfect World: The guys manage to put themselves out of business. But everything is okay... or is it?

Verdict: Recommended! [1]
