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Pairing: Percy Jackson/Jason Grace
Alternative name(s): Pason, Jercy, Jasercy
Gender category: slash
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: a semi-popular slash pairings for the fandom[note 1]
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Percy/Jason is a slash pairing for the Heroes of Olympus fandom.

Percy Jackson and Jason Grace are both demigod children of The Big Three, or the most powerful Greek gods; Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Percy is the son of the Greek god Poseidon, while Jason is son of the Roman god Jupiter. Both are established as powerful and demigods, and both have acquired positions of leadership in their respective demigod camps- Camp-Half Blood for the Greek demigods, and Camp Jupiter for the Roman demigods.


Percy and Jason, aside from their similar positions, have clashing personalities that cause friction throughout the Heroes of Olympus series. While Percy is more impulsive and flexible, Jason is more disciplined and pragmatic. Along with both being particularly stubborn and competitive, these traits cause the two to butt heads and fight over leadership on their joint quest. In addition to their contrasting personalities, the rivalry between their respective fathers also causes tension between the two.

Despite their differences, by the end of the the Heroes of Olympus series, both manage to find a balance of power to help their quest along and save the world. The two end up becoming close friends who have trust in each other's strength and perseverance, and they manage to find common ground throughout their adventures.

Because both Percy and Jason are powerful demigods with entirely different sense of justice, the two are often portrayed as rivals. This fiery rivalry is the fuel to their fan ship; often portraying their relationship as volatile and unexpected.

Example Fanworks


  • The Luck of Olympus - The world has been at peace for years since Gaea's defeat. The seven demigods of the Prophecy and their friends and allies have moved on with their lives. Relationships have ended, others have bloomed and new ones are just beginning. Both Greeks and Romans are still getting used to cooperate between them; some with more success than others. Amidst all this, Percy and Jason are suddenly called to aid Olympus again. Something has been stolen from the gods, something important. They reluctantly embark on a quest that will take them back to the Ancient Lands and beyond. A quest that threatens to push them to their limits; forcing them find solace, understanding and companionship on each other, and make them question everything they've known and thought. But even then, not everything is as it seems, and this might just change the world forever... (Manu)
  • Hello. - Percy is a merman on display in a rescue centre for wild animals, Jason is a frequent visitor. As simple as life has become for Percy, living in a larger tank and finally having a trainer he can get along with, he knows better than to hope it'll stay this way. Will tries his best, Percy knows he does, and Jason just won't leave his thoughts alone. Things could be perfect, but the universe has a way of spiraling everything out of your control just when you believe to have the upper hand. (percyinpanties)


Links and Resources


  1. ^ The Archive of Our Own tag for Percy/Jason fanworks shows over 700 works tagged as such, which is one of the largest slash pairings under Percy/Nico.
