Pavilion Fanfiction

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Name: Pavilion Fanfiction
Date(s): 08 September 1998[1] or before - ?
Archivist: Holly
Founder: Holly
Type: recommendation site
Fandom: Highlander, The X-Files, The Sentinel, Multifandom
URL: (Wayback)
Pavilion Fanfiction.png
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Pavilion Fanfiction is Holly's archive of recommended fanfiction.

You'll mainly find fanfiction for Highlander, The X-Files, The Vampire Chronicles, and The Sentinel. In the Delirium and Crossover page you'll find fanfiction for Xena, The Phantom of the Opera, The Professionals, Star Wars, Once a Thief, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Forever Knight, and The Pretender. There's a large slash influence, but you may also run across Gen and the occasional het relationship. I do hope you enjoy your visit, though, and come back for the new additions.
If you need a more detailed description of this site, I suggest you go to An Explanation.[2]

From the linked explanation:

Pavilion Fanfiction is an archive of recommended fanfiction for a variety of fandoms. The fiction is recommended by me, Holly. The archive didn't start out as a rec site; I previously accepted fanfiction from anyone needing a home. So, some of the older stories aren't exactly recommended, but they're still good.
You might be wondering why you would want to read fanfiction recommended by me, and the answer is that I'm really a lot better at picking good stories than I am at writing them. I love sharing things that I like with other people. If I see a good movie, I drag my friends to it, and it disappoints me if they don't like it as much as I do. (They usually like it. They better.) This website satisfies me, and it also gives praise to the authors, and, hopefully, provides more feedback to them than they would usually receive.
If you are vehemently against slash, (a sexual or non-sexual relationship between two people of the same sex) this site isn't for you. Now, if you like slash or don't mind seeing it listed next to a Gen story, you and I should get along fine.


The site was a member of The Highlander Webring, The Highlander Fanfic Webring, The Methos Webring, The EveryThing Peter Webring, The Krycek Webring, The SPAK Webring, The Spec Writers' Coterie Webring, The Slash Fan Fiction Ring, The Noromos at Random Webring, The X-Files Fanfic Recommendations Webring, The Duncan Methos Slash Ring, The Sentinel Slash Webring.[3]

Pavilion Fanfiction was the owner of the Slash Recommendations webring.[4]


  1. ^ Oldest listed Highlander rec, via Wayback (Accessed 07 January 2012).
  2. ^ Pavilion Fanfiction, via Wayback: 13 October 1999. (Accessed 07 January 2012)
  3. ^ Pavilion Fanfiction - Web Rings, via Wayback: 14 October 1999. (Accessed 07 January 2012)
  4. ^ See Slash Recommendations link at the bottom of All Jewels Have Flaws.