Pale Lost Lilies

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Title: Pale Lost Lilies
Author(s): xBryn Lantry
Date(s): 1986
Fandom: Blake's 7
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Pale Lost Lilies is a Blake's 7 Avon/Anna story by xBryn Lantry.

It was published in The Other Side #2.

Reactions and Reviews

Pale Lost Lilies (A/Anna) - xBryn Lantry: Ah, now this is something more like it. Avon thinking about Anna. Avon unable to forget about Anna. Avon doing Disgusting Things (unspecified) with a prostitute in order to forget about Anna - but failing to forget. Dowson's poem, heavily quoted (including the title), is marvellously effective in this context: "... I am desolate and sick of an old passion/I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! after my fashion." [1]

Again, there’s technically nothing wrong with this, but it does nothing for me. It’s supposed to be sad (I think), but I can’t find a way to get into that emotion, so I just sort of casually observed. Also, I feel it may be too short. It’s very strange coming to zines from online fic, because even a 2-page zine fic is quite a long online fic (strange that we should go this way, when paper is expensive but the internet is unlimited, but it is certainly true. Maybe it’s a sort of ‘in order to make this worth publishing, I should write more’ urge, or the urge to more accurately represent what other paper-books are doing with their prose, since the fic will also be published on paper...). But the kinds of things people write about and the mode in which they write about them on the internet are different as well – i.e. I think sometimes people can say more in a smaller space on the internet than they are inclined to in zines. I don’t know – I’ll have to think about that more...[2]

'Pale Lost Lillies' was striking, even if I don't quite know why yet. It was oddly expository where I'm used to action and dialogue. But it works better that way. 1think. Odd how people picture Avon's 'agonies' over Anna. [3]

Once again, Bryn Lantry proves she's an expert at wrenching the heart; the depth of emotional pain she managed to portray is amazing. 'Pale Lost Lilies' was a wonderfully melancholy piece [4]


  1. ^ from Predatrix at both Knightwriter and Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  2. ^ Aralias reviewed this zine in 2013 on DW, Archived version
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Other Side" #3 (1987)
  4. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Other Side" #3 (1987)