Only true convention veterans will remember

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Title: Only true convention veterans will remember
Creator: lennythereviewer
Date(s): May 3, 2017
Medium: Tumblr post
Fandom: Anime/Manga
Topic: Anime Conventions
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Only true convention veterans will remember is a Tumblr post by user lennythereviewer made on May 3, 2017. It gained over 31 thousand notes.

Original post

Only true convention veterans will remember

Yaoi paddles

Praying your parents don’t see anything weird when they’re dropping you off

Yelling “buttscratcher” and at least 10 people yelling back.

Org XIII cosplayers as far as the eye can see

“The Game”

Free Hugs


The banning of Glomps

The paranoia of cosplaying Sauske, Naruto, Sora, or Riku because you know someone has a Yaoi paddle and they’re watching your ass like Wile E. Coyote watches the Roadrunner

Homestuck invasion

Not being able to cosplay or enjoy One Piece without some asshole screaming the 4Kids theme at you

Cat ears

Seriously how did Yaoi Paddles stick around for so long? You would never get away with that today. You’d probably go to jail for that behavior

Selected responses

Heh, in the old times conventions were a lot weirder than now…

I do remember one competition where people were doing improvised dubbing of hentai in three people teams.

Person #01 - Male voices.

Person #02 - Female voices.

Person #03 - Other sounds, including tentacles, body fluids shooting around etc.

I can honestly say it was one of the most absurdly funny things I had ever seen, but sadly it was discontinued due to some problems, that is people under 18 managing to sneak into it, and the fact police had to intervene…

That is we were laughing so hard and loud, that local people called police claiming we are disturbing the peace etc…

Some cons had still kept this wonderfully bizarre tradition, but sadly none in my area had ever attempted it again.

Damn, I feel so old.
Ugh people are way to damn sensitive these days. Seriously, NO ONE got trauma from [yaoi paddles] and we should bring them back! But of course always asking permission first and not just running up and doing it. Still need some consent.
Oof I remember these! All of this is accurate. This combined with the “will kiss for $1” signs where your ship would make out for money.
I cosplayed Duo Maxwell exactly one time bc I was literally stalked one Otakon by this wild eyed girl cosplaying Heero who kept trying to glomp me and get me to pose for shippy photos that made me feel rly uncomfortable Like…as a con vet the tone of this post makes me a lil :\ bc a lot of the ~wacky~ behavior that went on back then was creepy at best and straight up sexual harassment at worse and tbh it’s why I quit going to anime cons. not to say comic cons don’t have their own issues w ppl not knowing wtf boundaries are (I was catcalled so bad one day at NYCC the next year I cosplayed in full N7 armor the whole weekend) but anime cons in the early-mid 00s were cesspools of shitty and inappropriate behavior, much of it laughed off as goofy fangirl shit