Oh, how far you are from home

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Title: oh, how far you are from home
Author(s): Dialux
Date(s): -2022
Length: 79k words
External Links: AO3

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oh, how far you are from home is a Lord of the Rings / Game of Thrones fanfiction inspired by Sean Bean playing both Ned Stark and Boromir

Tumblr post inspiration


I can’t believe the only lotr/got crossover I’ve seen had Sansa marry Boromir in some sort of fucked up meta Elektra complex when instead you could do THIS

Sansa, thirteen and completely lost after escaping King’s Landing: *points at Boromir* that’s my dad

Boromir, who has never seen this girl before in his life: guess I’m her dad now

OK, so I can’t stop thinking about this.

Presumably we’re talking movieverse LOTR and TV universe for GOT, since Sean Bean is our connecting thread here. And presumably Westron = Common Tongue. We need a few more facts established, though.

We have a rough timeline for Sansa, but where are we in the LOTR universe? Is this well prior to the Council of Elrond? Shortly before? During? At some point on the Fellowship’s quest?

Part of me is cracking up at the thought of Sansa being the proverbial Girl In Middle Earth/Tenth Walker who drove fans nuts when they were sorting through early 2000s fanfiction (myself included, if we’re being honest). I mean, Her Power™! She’s already so hated by portions of the ASOIAF/GOT fandom, it makes sense that she’d immediately do something to call down a storm of indignant Tolkien fans too lmao, especially without meaning to. And aside from the fact that Sean Bean was in the film and TV adaptations, Boromir was bashed by portions of the early 2000s fandom almost as much as Sansa has been over the years; of course they’re related!


Referenced AO3 Fic

https://archiveofourown.org/works/14034204/chapters/32323674 (don't rlly wanna link the wank directly tho i think its worth mentioing it somewhere... maybe as a ref?

Sansa Stark is saved by Sean Bean and spends six months on Earth, but one of his many ex wives gets jealous, and Sean Bean takes Sansa to live on Middle Earth, hoping that Boromir will find her and bring her under his protection.

EDIT: There is a Tumblr thread poopping on this fic for the audacity of not being SERIOUS...this fic was always meant as CRACK Mind you, I just know of the thread because people reblogged. The OP of the thread did not even link the fic so people could see what he/she was referencing to.

To addo to my displeasure. there is now another fic that did what the thread said I should have done WITH MY ORIGINAL IDEA, mind you...and once again, it gives credit to the----thread. Not, you know, the original author.

Oh, how far you are from home

   Blood spurts, Joffrey laughs, and Sansa faints away.
   She wakes up on... grass?
   [Crossover AU, where Joffrey chops Ned Stark's head off and Sansa wakes in Middle Earth to find Boromir on his way to the Council of Elrond. It's not an easy path ahead for either of them, but like hell is Sansa going to let her father out of her sight again, especially when he volunteers to take a demonic ring to the darkest part of the land.]

Inspired Fanworks
