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Title: Oblivious
Author(s): astolat
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Oblivious is a John/Rodney story by astolat.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read:

astolat is definitely a multitalented lady and i'm pretty sure that she's been recommended all to heck and back here on crackvan. she's got a good number of Stargate: Atlantis fics and this happens to be my favorite, though I recommend all of them. this story rolls along relentlessly, just like Rodney does, so that you feel everything John feels: bewildered, turned-on, and rushed.

Also, the sex is hottttt. [1]

really, really, really hilarious--painfully funny, especially mckay's behaviour, which is just dead-on. and sort of embarrassing to watch, but in a really cute way, in which john doesn't realise that he's coming onto rodney, and rodney doesn't realise that he's not. "Goddamnit, we are not dating!" John said angrily. "Will you stop acting like I'm your girlfriend in a coma?" But Rodney just shifted gears from smug to eye-rolling without missing a beat. "Yes, fine, we're not dating. You're my friend, you idiot, I'd do this for you even if I wasn't in love with you. Now shut up and pick a movie," and John felt his anger sag and collapse like a deflating balloon; what the hell was he supposed to say to that? [2]

This fic would be a comedy of errors if the whole situation just wasn't so sad. Far too many things go unsaid and misunderstandings abound. Drunken fooling around leads to people getting the wrong impression, and breaking up when they were never quite together. Then someone gets mauled by a bear, followed by someone else getting electrocuted. I kid you not. If only men would just talk you know. Despite all the angst it does end happily. In the end it turns out that things were exactly what they looked like all along. It just takes some people longer than others to figure it out. I'm being way vague I know. Just go read the fic already.[3]


  1. ^ rec by wyoluvr at Crack Van, March 2005
  2. ^ Stargate recs; archived link
  3. ^ "Rec at slashslutsrecs". Archived from the original on 2023-06-14.