No Power on Earth

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Title: No Power on Earth
Author(s): circe_tigana a.k.a. circe
Date(s): 2003
Length: 19046
Genre: slash
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Spander Files link, All About SPike (archived link)

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No Power on Earth is a Spike/Xander story set in the summer after season 3 by circe_tigana. This story was inspired by a line in a season 4 epsiode where Xander talks about how he spent his summer.

So, you wanted more details on what Xander did on his summer vacation … Think Catcher in the Rye meets gay vampire porn.


This story and its title are inspired by dialogue in the Season 4 epsiode The Freshman:

Xander: Basically, I got as far as Oxnard and the engine fell out of my car, and that was literally. So, I ended up washing dishes at 'The Fabulous Ladies Night Club' for about a month and a half while I tried to pay for the repairs. No one really bothered me or even spoke to me until one night when one of the male strippers called in sick and no power on this earth will make me tell you the rest of that story. Suffice to say I traded my car in for one that wasn't entirely made of rust, came trundling back home to the arms of my loving parents, where everything was exactly as it was except I sleep in the basement and I have to pay rent. How's college?

Buffy: Male strippers?

Xander: No power on this earth!

Reactions and Reviews

Xander won't talk about his aborted road trip, but you can get all the dirt here! I've got a soft spot for this not terribly soft fic, and not just because I've cooled my heels in Oxnard a time or fifty. This story has action, adventure, comedy, white knight heroics, the expected humiliations, some interesting back story for the season coming up, AND it has a little sex in it! Circe's Spike is dead-on as a vamp on a mission, though still in need of his daily dose of mischief and mayhem. I'm very tempted to call it canon. An excellent summer read. [1]

I've been meaning to rec circe_tigana's amazing story No Power on Earth, which kept me up past my bedtime and gave me a big fat authorial complex. It's mind-freakingly good, with dead-bang characterization and voice and plotted plausibility, and the hotness of Spike (which I single out because it's from Xander's POV). And see, I had pretty much written off the gay-in-Oxnard premise, but this proves that most things can be well realized by a good author. [2]


  1. ^ Summer Fic Rec: No Power on Earth by rebcake at fantas_magoria, 11 July 2010. Accessed 25 April 2024.
  2. ^ and now a rebuttal... by eliade, 25 April 2003. Accessed 25 April 2024.