Metamorphosis (X-Files story)

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Title: Metamorphosis
Author(s): Annie Sewell-Jennings
Date(s): June 1998
Genre: het
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: online here and here, also online here, Archived version

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Metamorphosis is a MSR story by Annie Sewell-Jennings.

Story Header

Summary: A photograph of Mulder and Scully together brings Mulder to ask himself a question that he can't answer by himself.

Category/Rating: VAHR (Mulder/Scully romance)/NC-17.

Spoilers: Yup. Bunches. Right on up through "The End". But not another post-"The End" fic. And just a little spoiler for the movie, but NOT FLICK-FIC. This piece just includes that the X-Files were reopened. So there. :P

Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance.

Author's Notes: This is just a little piece of something that I thought was interesting and thought could make an interesting fanfic. Then, it evolved (or perhaps dissolved) into smut. Tell me if I'm right or wrong over at [address redacted]. Feedback is a precious commodity these days. ;)

Don't worry, Slash Junkies. I've still got a few tricks up my dark little sleeve. ;)

Also, this story takes place somewhere after "The End". Mulder and Scully are re-opening the X-Files, but the office is long-gone. It be charcoal, kiddos.

BTW, I think that I finally figured out what constitutes as both angst and humor. I hope that this is it. ::grins shakily::

And a more personal note -- I had problems with my America Online while writing this piece. I had four pages of smut written which were lost during a glitch with my AOL, and I never was able to retrieve them. I am still mourning those pages, cause I was really proud of it, and Kristin is currently finding ammo to go hunt down Steve Case and blow his brains out because of it. So, tell me what you think. I still yearn for those lost pages... ::sighs, wipes a tear away:: Yet another reason why America Online can really suck the weasel.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

NC-17. Set post the end. Kafka's got nothing on Annie, wait that was The Metamorphosis, aw well, their still ain't not apple in this story! This is a GREAT story about changes through time, our interpretations of ourselves and others, and MAN I WISH I WROTE THIS, i dot know if i have ever said that, but this is EXACTLY what I have been wanting to write, I LOVE THIS PIECE! [1]


We have recced Annie Sewell-Jennings many times, and for good reason. Her writing, the very specific way she weaves her words and sentences, always paints the most stunning pictures. From her smut to her angst to her post-colonization, they all have the same thing in common: her working makes us want to curl up on er stories and soak in the beauty like a warm, lavender-scented bath. Today’s rec is no exception, her writing making us fall in love with Scully right along with Mulder as he ponders his feelings for her, and giving us the most beautiful first and second time sex we have ever read. [2]
