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Pairing: Lena Luthor/Sam Arias
Alternative name(s): ReignCorp
Gender category: Femslash (F/F)
Fandom: Supergirl (TV series)
Canonical?: no
Prevalence: rare
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Lena/Reign is a femslash pairing of Lena Luthor and Sam Arias (Reign) in the television series Supergirl.


Lena and Sam appear to have been friends for sometime before the series takes place. Lena went on to hire Sam to be L-Corp's acting CEO while Lena adjusted to her new business at CatCo.


Interest in the pairing first took place before season 3, when Reign was introduced, began to air. While promoting the upcoming third season at SDCC17 the cast sang a song on events of the previous season, including singing how Kara and Lena weren't going to get together because they were only friends. There was an almost immediate backlash from fans and press.[1][2] Due to how Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor) and Odette Annable (Sam Arias/Reign) conducted themselves at the time, some fans quickly began shipping their characters, dubbing the ship: ReignCorp. Some fanworks produced around this time were made in response to how fans felt mocked or let down by the cast.[3][4]

As season 3 aired the ship continued to attract fans thanks to Lena and Sam's close friendship. Lena/Sam is sometimes combined in a threesome pairing with Kara Danvers (Kara/Lena/Sam).





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