Lay Your Bet

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Title: Lay Your Bet
Author(s): Catherine Bell
Date(s): September 1987
Length: 21 pages
Genre: slash
Fandom: Blake's 7
External Links: on author's website

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Lay Your Bet is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Catherine Bell. It was published in Resistance #1 in September 1987.

Reactions and Reviews

My favourite story in this 'zine, and only partly because it's in a nice proportional typeface instead of the monospaced "typewriter" of the rest of the 'zine. Blake wants Avon to stay on the ship. Avon wants sex with Blake. Are either or both of them to get what they want? An Avon who will admit to wanting sex with Blake but not to anything more affectionate is much more believable to me than the fragile quasi-virgin that appears in some of the other stories.[1]

This fic, on the other hand, is brilliant (I've got it on my list, I've got it on my list, etc). It's also deeply unusual (at least I think so), as it shows A deeply invested and B actually not responding (even during sex, which is really intensely and effectively described), but then also being invested. It's so awkward and tense it's almost painful to read, but has an ending of such hope - and yet, even as I know it's wrong, I desperately want a sequel that turns that ending of possibility into known facts of it being all right. I would write such a sequel, but this isn't my fic. Great dialogue, great sex writing, highly unique. Do read.[2]

(Sex? Yes) N.B. You will need the username: slashfan, password: vulcanlogic

What starts as a fun (everyone else on) shore leave seduction story quickly derails into an agonising confrontation between the two of them as they negotiate who wants what from who and how much they might be willing to compromise. Absolutely gripping.[3]
