Kirk and Spock go Ice Fishing, or If My Aunt From Minnesota Wrote Fanfic

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Kirk and Spock go Ice Fishing, or If My Aunt From Minnesota Wrote Fanfic
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 1998
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: online here

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Kirk and Spock go Ice Fishing, or If My Aunt From Minnesota Wrote Fanfic is by Jungle Kitty.

Reactions and Reviews

Crack, pure crack. Written indeed with a Minnesota accent, it's the typical 'stuck on a planet during Pon Farr' cliche except with the absolute best narrative voice ever. [1]

Oh. My. God. Livia found this one for me and... Oh. My. God. Just... this could very well be the wrongest thing EVER:

Well, yumpin' yiminy, it starts to rain, of all things! So they grab all the food their mothers packed for them and high-tail it into a cave. Seems like things couldn't get much worse, but just as Jimmy's cuttin' into the sour cream coffee cake, doncha know Spock comes down with the pon farr.

Well, for gosh sakes! This place is more deserted than the Elks Club on Sunday mornin' and there's not a young lady in sight, let alone a pretty blonde one from a nice family so you could settle down and start givin' your mother some grandchildren. But Spock's turnin' greener than the sprinkles on the Christmas cookies.

"Spock, are ya feelin' urpy?"

*SNORK* [2]

Imagine the least likely relative to like sci-fi tells a slash story using the most cliched setup for a Star Trek PWP, totally in vernacular, and this'll top it, and make you laugh until you feel urpy. [3]
