King of the Dark

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Title: King of the Dark
Publisher: NorthCoast Press, Lisa Madden (editor)
Author(s): Oshram
Cover Artist(s): Oshram
Date(s): 2002
Series?: yes, The Darkness Trilogy
Medium: print zine
Genre: gen
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Language: English
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King of the Dark is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer gen 234-page novel by Oshram, who also did the cover. The zine was published by NorthCoast Press.



From the back of the zine:

A dozen years have passed since Xander Harris was forced to kill Angelus to save the life of Buffy Summers. In that time many things have changed - the werewolf nation has formed, the witches have been exterminated or driven into hiding, and the watcher's council is no more. Only a handful of people still stand against the darkness, and now the forces of the night have found a great champion who will sweep aside humanity and usher in a new age of hell on earth, to be ruled over by the vampires. He is bent on the destruction of the werewolves, and on the champion of light, the slayer. So far no oneh Has been able to stop him, or even slow him down; he is one of the most ancient evils. He is the king of the dark.