Keycon (Canada)

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Science Fiction Convention
Name: Keycon
Dates: 1984-ongoing
Frequency: Annually
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Type: "social" convention
Focus: Science Fiction Fandom
Organization: Winnipeg Science Fiction Association
Founding Date: 1984
URL: (Archived)
Program, 1987
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Keycon is an annual science fiction and fantasy convention that began in 1984 and is still being held regularly.

There appears to have been one previous to 1984, but according to a remark in Short Treks v.4 n.12, it was only a single day and took place "some time ago."


Vonda McIntyre was a guest. So was Tim Hammel (Canadian artist). The fan guest of honor was Crystal Marvig from North Dakota.

A 24-hour Japanimation film room was also planned as well as the very popular Intergalactic Dating Game.


Keycon 1984 took place May 18-20th at Delta Inn in Winnipeg. The main organizers were John and Linda Mansfield.

In early 1984, the confirmed guests were Robert Asprin, Phil Foglio and Nick Burns.

There was an art show with prizes, a video room (showing "A Boy and His Dog," "The Secret of Nimh," and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" as well as "rare Japanese Animation"), gaming, panels/seminars/workshops, and a masquerade ball.




This was the 16th year.
