Justifiable Means

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Justifiable Means
Author(s): Kim Heggen
Date(s): 1999
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Author's site here, Direct story link

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Justifiable Means is a Sentinel story by Kim Heggen.

Author Comments

"Justifiable Means was my first TS fanfic. I'd been writing some shorter pieces for the Starsky and Hutch fans, so I wasn't new to writing fanfic. I started Justifiable Means... um, when? Sometime in the spring of '99. I think I finished it at the end of May, and it was posted in installments on Senfic. I was a bit sneaky... I tried to just casually step up with that story as if I'd been there a long time. I was worried that if I mentioned that it was my first TS fanfic that everyone would have just snorted and hit the "delete" button... especially if they knew how few episodes I'd actually seen when I started it (about four, I think. Gulp).

Posting Justifiable Means was a rush. I received some truly heart-lifting feedback while writing that story. It was an amazing, heady experience for me.".[1]

Reactions and Reviews

An unusual murder case brings up unpleasant memories from Blair's childhood, and he becomes instrumental in finding the killer. Her first story and still my favorite of hers. She handles first-person POV extremely well. Originally posted in parts, this story kept my attention from beginning to end.[2]

In her very first TS fanfic story, Kim writes from Blair's first-person POV. She does so very effectively, showing us a strong Blair with a secret in his past that he hasn't -- until now -- told anyone about. Kim handles this story and its sensitive subject matter very delicately and extremely well. Jim and Blair are written perfectly, bouncing from concern to just a touch of anger at times, and back again, never straying very far apart as they learn to deal with the past and the case Blair's past relates to. A wonderful story by a talented writer.[3]
