Jane St Clair's Fanfiction

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Jane St Clair's Fanfiction
Author: Jane St Clair
Dates: 05 October 1998 or before - 26 September 2006 (last update)
Fandom: multifandom
URL: http://www.ravenswing.com/~mirrorgirl/door.html (Wayback link, 2010)
(Wayback link, 1999)
A girl needs a gun these days.png
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Jane St Clair's Fanfiction (also known as Janefic) is Jane St Clair's fanfiction page.

Featured fandoms include: Angel the Series & Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Authority, Battlestar Galactica, Batman (DCU), Harry Potter, The Phantom Menace, Popslash, Smallville, Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis, X-Files, X-Men.

Other hosted fandoms include: Andromeda, Canadian Idol, Daria, Due South, Fastlane, Firefly, Highlander, Lawrence After Arabia, Lord of the Rings, The Lost Boys, M*A*S*H, The Outsiders, Pirates of the Caribbean, Queer as Folk UK, Rebel Without a Cause, Romeo and Juliet, RPF, Six Feet Under, The Talented Mr Ripley, This is Wonderland, Velvet Goldmine, The West Wing.

As of 2012, the site is offline. However, her stories are accessible at AO3 on her profile page.

Site Descriptions

From Anhedonia:

Thanks to august, I have a link to her site now, so I'm off to read myself into an envious daze. Stories which are 90% beautiful and 10% strange. Jane shines at everything she turns her hand to.[1]

From Dances with Redshoes:

Jane St. Clair's Web Page (updated) -- I can't claim any of the credit for "discovering" Jane, but I am doing my darndest to get her a wider audience. Some of the loveliest Trek and X-fic I've seen in the past several years. There's a twist to it, a sense of being off-center that some find disturbing, but it's always lyrically written. Most of it's rated NC-17, folks (Softly being a notable exception), so I must insist that only those 18 and over read the stronger stuff.[2]


  1. ^ Julad's current slash obsessions, via Wayback: 09 September 1999. (Accessed 23 July 2017)
  2. ^ Dances with Redshoes. (Accessed 30 July 2017)