It's a Sin

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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: It's a Sin
Author(s): Laura Jacquez Valentine
Date(s): September 11, 1998
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: online here

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It's a Sin is an Star Trek: TOS "music video" by Wildcat.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

This fanwork is a "story" in script-form of a vid, set to "It's a Sin" by "The Pet Shop Boys."

Part of a Short-Lived Series of Fanwork

In 1998, about a half dozen fans wrote "music videos."

They were not vids as many fans would know them today, but written descriptions of videos. Some of them were scripted vids, formatted as if they were to be viewed. Some were short stories interspersed with actual lyrics (not unlike a songfic), or stories that had breaks in which musical interludes were suggested, such as "swelling instrumentals."

These music videos included:

Author's Notes

"As the Pet Shop Boys are my witness...I will *forever* see a rather erotic Spock "music video" to their song "It's a Sin". So this is an experiment--I have no idea how well it's going to work. Please let me know. (If it works, I'll do one based on _Golden Boy_ for "Rent")."

"I might actually rework this one relatively soon, adding more detail. I think it's a little sparse. I really wish I had some skill at animation (I can draw better than some, but I'm no artist, and I have little sense of timing...sigh)...if I could make decent animation, I think I'd actually make this video. It's *so* tremendously sexy inside my head, and transferring that to text is very hard... Thanks for the encouragement! [1]}}


*fade in*
Spock is standing in a bare room, lit by a single spotlight. He is wearing only black jeans. He traces his bare toes along the floor like a dancer and raises his head, and begins to sing.
//When I look back upon my life
It's always with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame//
Close-up on Spock's head and shoulders. A clearly male hand traces his collarbone and runs over his shoulder.
//For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who//
Jim, his hands on his hips and in uniform, laughs at the camera.
//Has one thing in common, too//
Spock crosses his arms across his chest and looks down at the floor. He is still tracing arcs with his toes.
Spock tosses his head back and cries out. One arm is across his chest, and his hand tightens convulsively on his shoulder.
//Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin//
*fade out*
Spock is dancing alone in the bare room. His quick, smooth motions contrast sharply with the deep sadness in his face.

Reactions and Reviews

Wow! Laura! This is terrific! I *love* how you wove scenes from canon into the lyrics. They really fit--I can see now why you always thought of Spock when you heard this song. And not to spoil this for anyone, that shot of Spock near the end where he has his hand on his shoulder... Whew. Ohhhhhh my. *You* know just which scene I mean. More! [2]

I love the image of Spock as lithe dancer, and as angry damaged boy. Great use of scenes from both canon and Laura's imagination. And the insinuations of what Jim is doing "off camera"... whew! [3]

Ooooh, hurts *so good*. Damn. this one is intense -- and I absolutely love it, oh yeah.[4]

Nice and dark.[5]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, September 1998
  2. ^ alt.startrek.creative, September 1998
  3. ^ ASC, February 1999
  4. ^ ASC, February 1999
  5. ^ ASC, February 1999