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Title: Interceptor
Publisher: Geoff Allshorn
Editor(s): Geoff Allshorn
Date(s): February 1980 - December 1982
Series?: 3 issues
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: UFO
Language: English
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Interceptor is an anthology edited by Geoff Allshorn, with principal artist/layout assistant being Ian McLachlan.

flyer for issue #3

It was Australia's only fanzine dedicated solely to UFO.

Gerry Anderson researcher Chris Bentley notes that the three issues were published between February 1980 and December 1982.[1]

Significantly, these publishing dates approximated the time era within which the series itself (having been produced just over a decade earlier) was set.

The contents and images of each issue (below) are taken directly from the fanzines and are an expanded version of an abridged contents listing published in Dennis Nicholson's extensive 1994 guide to Anderson Memorabilia, within which he also lists the dates of publication and includes thumbnail images of the front covers.[2]

Issue 1

Interceptor 1 was published in February 1980 and contains 85 pages. Cover artist Greg Franklin; all written material (unless otherwise noted) by Geoff Allshorn.

Front cover of Interceptor 1, artist Greg Franklin.

"Interceptor One is dedicated to Gerry & Sylvia Anderson & Reg Hill for creating a television SF show, and to the production cast and crew who helped the show come vividly to life..."

Artists: Sonny Collins, Alison Cowling, Betty de Gabriele, Adrian Gaetano, Ian McLachlan (primary artist/layout assistant), Paul Murphy, and Greg Franklin.


  • Editorial - includes fanzine list relating to Anderson and other SF; reports that Channel 7 dropped their option to show UFO in May 1977 (the same month that Star Wars was released) and encourages people to write to their local station asking for its return.
  • UFO Introduction (reference) - "This is the world of the mid-1980s, the world of SHADO... and the world of UFO!"
  • SHADO Personnel (Reference) - Regular Cast List
  • A New Life (fiction) - A 'Mary Sue' fan fiction inspired by the episode 'Exposed'.
  • UFO Technical Information (Reference) - "(Behind the Scenes/ The Making of UFO)"
  • The Duel (fiction) - A story inspired jointly by the episode 'Kill Straker' and "The Naked Time' (Star Trek TOS).
  • Shadow of the Moon (poetry) - Alec Gordensen - An homage to SID (the Space Intruder Detector)
  • The Survivor (poetry) - Alec Gordensen - Ed Straker's reminiscences of losing his wife and son, and his adoption of a new, second life.
  • SPUFO - (graphic 'comic' story) - Paul Murphy - A satirical UFO story
  • Seek and Destroy (fiction) - Another 'Mary Sue' fan fic story, this time featuring a SHADO astronaut who makes a possible breakthrough with communicating with the aliens - until a classic SHADO quirk leads to an unexpected ending.
  • Author's note (reference) - Explanation regarding the use of certain technology, character names, locations etc.
  • Thanks and list of possible reasons why you might have received this issue.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

This is a fanzine devoted to the TV series, U.F.O. As such the stories are true to the series. Even if you are not well acquainted with the characters the three main stories make very enjoyable reading and even help in understanding the series.

The rest of the 'zine contain "SPUFO", which is a typical Paul Murphy send-up, recommended by its very presence; a couple of very nice poems, and some artwork, which helps make the fanzine pleasing to the eye as well as the mind.

A thoroughly enjoyable work and a feast for U.F.O. fans deprived of their favorite series.[3]

I think you captured not only the characters but also the flavour - that ambiguous, somewhat downbeat air so many (episodes) had. It was also useful to have the cast and production information in one place. I also liked the layout and reproduction. Very fine indeed, as was the artwork. [4]

Issue 2

Interceptor 2 was published in April 1981 and contains 84 pages. Cover artist Ian McLachlan (primary artist/layout assistant).

Front cover of Interceptor 2, artist Ian McLachlan

Artists: Michael Andre, Michael Avenhouse, Alison Cowling, Ruth Dick-Smith, Adrian Gaetano, Arthur Lovell, Michael McGann, Ian McLachlan and Paul Murphy.


  • Editorial - Geoff Allshorn - includes encouragement for people to write to their local Channel 7 (Australia) to ask for UFO to be repeated.
  • UFO Episode Guide and cast lists (reference) - Cathy Lynn Goodwin - A complete episode guide with synopsis and cast list for every episode.
  • The Saga of Self Preservation (poetry) - Alec Gordensen - A poem based upon a quote from the first episode.
  • The SHADO Ice Man (poetry) - Alison Cowling - A study of Ed Straker
  • Armed and Launched (poetry) - Tracy Adamczyk - An homage to the interceptors and their launch sequence.
  • General Admiration (fiction) - Geoff Allshorn - A biographical story about General James Henderson
  • The Alien Conspiracy (graphic story) - Arthur Lovell - A 12-page story about an adventure that tests the friendship between Ed Straker and Alec Freeman
  • The Law of the Jungle (poetry) - Gordon Boma - An homage to Skydiver
  • Paradox (fiction) - Ian McLachlan - A close encounter between Ed Straker and an unusual alien.
  • Freeman (poetry) - Gordon Boma - A 'testimonial' to Alec Freeman from three friends or colleagues: Straker, Foster and Lake.
  • The Supreme Sacrifice (fiction) - Cathy Lynn Goodwin - An astronaut defends Moonbase from an alien attack.
  • Letters column - Giulia De Cesare, Evelyn Baker, Cathy Lynn Goodwin, Nikki White, Jeanne Hutton, Kelly Lannan.
  • The Fundamenta-List or ASIO Take Note! (reference) - A list of UFO and other SF fan clubs across Australia and around the world.
  • Advertisements - Timeframe III (fanzine by Evelyn Baker, Ontario); T-Shirts by Mike McGann; Australia in '83 (Worldcon convention bid).

Issue 3

Interceptor 3 was published in December 1982 and contains 104 pages.

Front cover of Interceptor 3 fanzine, artist Ian McLachlan
Wrap around screen printed back cover of Interceptor 4 fanzine, artist Ian McLachlan.

This issue contains a limited-edition, numbered and signed, wrap-around six-colour screen printed cover (artist Ian McLachlan) complete with a protective paper cover that advised people to cover it with a 'Contact' plastic adhesive or paper dust cover if they wished to preserve the cover in mint condition.

This was intentionally the final issue, to match the number of interceptors in the show.

Paper dust cover for Interceptor 3 screen printed cover

Artists: Ian McLachlan (primary artist/layout assistant); Martin Harris, Judy Houston, Albert Hastings, Cathy Lynn Goodwin, Yvonne S Hintz, Arthur E Lovell, Michael Avenhouse, and John E Davies.


  • From the Editor - Geoff Allshorn - includes an appeal to support a charity; an explanation that no letters column was included in this issue due to constraints of available space; and thanks to all concerned for their support over three issues.
  • UFO Red Alert! - a note that Channel 7 in Perth has the rights to show UFO and an appeal to readers to contact their local Channel 7 to ask for its return to TV
  • In The Beginning (fiction) - Gordon Boma - ("What was the UFO encounter that caused the United Nations to build SHADO, and convinced Alec Freeman to join this new organisation?")
  • Turning Point (fiction) - Marcia Brin - ("Ed Straker must work through a personal crisis when he has to choose between SHADO or his marriage.")
  • The Powers That Be (fiction) - Ian McLachlan - ("There are other peoples in the Universe besides the killer aliens, but can SHADO tell the difference?")
  • To Kill Two Birds (fiction) - Yvonne S Hintz - ("Paul Poster must tackle the strangest alien SHADO has ever had to deal with.")
  • Angel of Mercy, Angel of Death (poetry) - John E Davies - ("What do the aliens think of this interplanetary battle of war and murder?")
  • Planetary Parent (poetry) ("The thoughts of an aging General Henderson prepares to retire from SHADO and his life's work.")
  • Odd Alien (fiction) - Joan McLachlan - ("The disguise of a film studios and the real work of SHADO, do not always mix for Ed Straker and the SHADO Operatives.")
  • The Interceptor Leader (poetry) - Geoff Allshorn (anonymously) - ("A humourous look at what could happen in a real UFO attack!")
  • One Of Our Own (fiction) - Cathy Lynn Goodwin - ("The people of SHADO must solve a battle of wits against the 'aliens when a UFO and Skydiver Three disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, Is it a prelude to mass invasion?")
  • Untitled (poetry extract from Milton) - Geoff Allshorn - an allegorical reference to aliens?
  • Classified Ads - a fanzine and club list, and an ad for Timeframe 4 (Evelyn Baker).


  1. ^ Chris Bentley, The Complete Book of Gerry Anderson's UFO, (revised and expanded edition), Signum Books, 2016, 'Positive Track', p. 194.
  2. ^ Dennis_W_Nicholson, The Gerry Anderson Memorabilia Guide, 1994, Coogee Concepts, p. 365.
  3. ^ from Spock #19
  4. ^ Nikki White, LoC in Interceptor 2