In the Kitchen

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Title: In the Kitchen
Author(s): Amal Nahurriyeh
Date(s): September 22, 2008
Genre: RPF
Fandom: X-Files RPF
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In the Kitchen is an X-Files RPF Gillian/David story by Amal Nahurriyeh.

Author's Notes

Lengthy, Above-the-Cut Author's Notes (4 May 2009): So, I toyed with not posting this. After all, I never posted it on my LJ, which means it is sort-of orphaned. Part of my reluctance was because X-Files fandom, more than most, is highly squicked by RPF. I understand why people are squicked by it; I think the arguments for why RPF is morally questionably have a lot of worth. I don't want my fic to be ignored because I fall on the "wrong side" of this divide, or to have to defend my position when I am, frankly, not all that interested in RPF as a form, or defending it as such.

But I wrote this. I wrote this because, holy hell, how can you look at that prompt and not want to figure out how to put those words in somebody's mouth? I wrote it because, looking back over all of the fiction I've ever written, most of it was RPF, only the RPs in question were me, my mother, my grandmother, my best friend, my wife, my imaginary daughter, so the idea of exploring real peoples' motivations through fiction is familiar and comfortable for me. I wrote it because it was a porn battle, and I had never written porn, and was terrified of having to write straight people having sex, and this was a nice, easy, vaseline-on-the-lens-frame way to ease myself in. I wrote it. It's not bad, I think. I don't know if I'll ever write XF RPF again; I don't feel drawn to it, but stories come and stories go, and I try to follow them where possible.
