Human... and from the Stars

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Human... and from the Stars
Author(s): Shelley Butler
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Human... and from the Stars is a Kirk/Spock story by Shelley Butler.

It was published in the print zine First Time #34.


"The day before heʼs to take command of the Enterprise, a malfunctioning ship finds Kirk crashed on Vulcan and five thousand years in its past."

Reactions and Reviews

I’ve often wondered how Kirk got back to his time period after crash landing in Vulcan’s Pre-Reform time. How did he manage to land safely when he was unconscious? Automatic pilot? But could he have flown the craft when he passed out? I can’t see him twitching his fingers and doing nothing on that roller-coaster ride towards the planet. And being unconscious, how did the craft only get minor damage? Because that must have been the case or else he wouldn’t have been able to repair it and do the same trip in reverse without flying it apart. How did his bond with the Vulcan warlord survive his return to his time period? What will the impact be on Spock of Kirk’s bonding to an ancestor of his? Strangely enough, those questions didn’t interfere with my enjoying her story.[1]
