Honor of the Empire

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Title: Honor of the Empire
Author(s): Peter Brown
Date(s): 1992
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TNG/Star Wars
External Links: online here

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Honor of the Empire is a late 1990's Star Trek: TNG/Star Wars story by Peter Brown.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

"Honor of the Empire" is a major piece of fan fiction with two major distinctions. One is that it has been placed on the World Wide Web for all to see, and the other is that it is a Star Wars/Star Trek crossover.

These two genres are prime candidates for crossovers, and I have encountered a few in my time. In the early years of Star Wars fandom they had the main stars - usually in the Falcon - running into the original USS Enterprise. Swapping cultures and technology, and to hell with the Prime Directive, not to mention the language barrier.

With this one the concept used is that of the Star Trek universe brushing up against that of the Empire. A small fleet of three or four Imperial-class Star Destroyers detect what appears to be a Rebel outpost with unusually heavy defences. In command of this small fleet is an ambitious, ruthless and rather stubborn Admiral, with a first officer who appears to be related to Governor Tarkin.

As you know a single ISD can reduce a city to slag, so against four of the drokkers, and isolated base whose main defence consists of the words: "Hello, we're the United Federation of Planets...um, who are you?" does not stand an earthly! This of course has Captain Picard and the Enterprise-D racing to answer a distress call from their outpost on Chelea Four.

The whole thing is laid out like a screenplay, with a character's name at the left, followed by whatever they say, and sometimes there are notes for camera POV (points of view) shots and visual fx just on the off-chance that Paramount picks this up for an episode - I don't think so. Almost every named character in Star Trek gets a look in, even down to Chief O'Brien, while stormtroopers, officers, and TIE pilots get to quote Imperial doctrine and strutt their stuff. Both technologies are well matched, and all are given strengths and weaknesses. On velocity for instance, the Enterprise-D can warp out of harms way and leaves the ISDs standing, but the Imperial cruisers can calculate their opponents heading and drop out of hyperspace in front of them, putting things at pretty much of a stalemate.

Nice touch with the TIE fighters. After Moth, only half a dozen got sent after the Falcon, but when the Enterprise turns up, they just empty the bays! This is an excellent piece of fiction, and well worth a read - just cancel your appointments for the evening.

Force Rating: 100% [1]


  1. ^ review by Jason Grant (who neglects to mention the author's name or where the story can be found), in Tales of the Empire #1 (1998)