Fanlore:Featured Article Archives/2022: Week 35

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front cover of issue #1 by Gayle F

The Holmesian Federation is a gen digest-sized crossover anthology of Sherlock Holmes fanworks crossed with Star Trek: TOS and other science fiction and fantasy characters, including Doctor Who, H.P. Lovecraft, the Invisible Man, and Dracula. It ran for eight issues between 1978 and 1991.

One of these crossovers with Sherlock Holmes turned out to be particularly controversial, bringing quite a bit of attention to the zine. In the 8th issue, a 63-page novella had Holmes and Watson encounter Le Comte de Saint-Germain, the protagonist from Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's The Saint-Germain Cycle series (who was in turn based on a real historical figure). Yarbro sent Cease & Desist letters to the author and editor, leading to a drawn-out (and infamous) dispute. For more, refer to Controversy Regarding Issue 8 and A Matter Of Willful Copyright Infringement.