Fanartivation Interview with Sallynasmile

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Fanartivation Interview with Sallynasmile
Interviewee: Sallynasmile
Date(s): July 1, 2011
Medium: online
External Links: online here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Tripperfunster Interview with Sallynasmile was posted to Fanartivation in 2011.

This interview contains examples of the artist's work and their comments about them.

Part of a Series

See: Fanartivation Interviews

Some Excerpts

I started creating fanarts after I discovered the existence of the fandom (which was around 5 to 6 years ago). I remember playing with Paint/Photofiltre right after a couple of friends on the internet posted Buffy/Angel banners (my first ship) on the forum I used to visit everyday. I was so jealous that they could make such pretty things that I wanted to be able to do something myself. So it just... came along because of a need to be one of those artists that made the forum pages look brighter.

My real name is Rossella, I come from Italy, I'm 21 and at the moment I'm studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures in the city where I live. I like to dedicate most of my time studying (reading books), buying pretty things, hanging out with my friends and surfing the internet -which includes watching tv-shows and squeeing over characters/couples I like :)

I share a particular bond with the Buffy/Lost/Merlin/Harry Potter fandoms, because those are the ones I've been cheering on since the beginning. But I really enjoy watching all sort of different tv shows: I think it's a nice way of relaxing after an exhausting day.

I also love to work with my hands: I create any sort of thing with clay (fimo), making collage, painting, and I like to sew and cook. I'm aware I'm not really an interesting kind of person XD, but my hopes are that the best is yet to come.

Right now I love to make both Tumblr banners (500px) and icons. With the tumblr banners it's quite exciting because they're not as wide as wallpapers and they're not as small as signature banners... so there are a lot of different artistic techniques to experiment with ^^ As for the icons, I'm working a little bit less on them now than I used to... but they still are my favourite type of digital art to work on :)

[my favorite fandom to create for]: That must be Merlin: because even Gaius (the old physician) is a great subject for the editing BUT I have to say that Merlin's screencaps are SO hard to work on and they're not of the highest quality... so they make me sweat a lot XD (the "Sherlock" ones too -.-)

I also love to work on the photoshooting of any actor/actress, as long as I'm inspired, and I adore working on Legend of the Seeker/Lost's caps because they have fabulous landscapes, cropping, colors... and beautiful people :P

Then of course, the modern tv shows and those with higher budget have the chance to get the best cameras and effects to play with... so it gets easier for us to edit the caps seeing as the image is already clean ^^

Honestly, people of the fandoms they give me such an ego boost like nothing else in my life. The only source of satisfaction in my life is University, and thanks God my parents are very supportive of me. But on the interent people are being selfless just because they genuine like something you spend time doing it. And I believe there's nothing more nice and adorable than find a cute message of love for your work in your mail once in a while :D