Compliments of Curry and Heyes

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Title: Compliments of Curry and Heyes (COCAH)
Publisher: Without a Sioux Perss, "a division of Hotchkiss and Rembacker Industries"
Editor(s): Debbie Roberts
Type: letterzine
Date(s): March 1990-November 1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Alias Smith and Jones
Language: English
External Links:
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Compliments of Curry and Heyes is a Alias and Smith letterzine that was published in March, May, July, and September. It ran for ten issues.

Issue 1

front page of issue #1

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 1 was published in March 1990 and contains 8 pages.

  • from the editor: "To guide you, each issue will have a theme, for instance, discussion of an episode or a character. Some of the issue topics will be controversial: I'll be lookin' to ruffle some feathers from time to time just to keep things interesting. You're not bound by the theme; it'll just be a suggestion. If you'd rather share your recipe for beef jerky casserole with us in any given issue you're more than welcome to do so. COCAH will also contain recurring features like "Doncha Just Love" and our own Top Ten Lists. All contributions will be published with minimal editing; that's the policy. I ask only two "thangs" of ya - try to keep all submissions to 1,000 words or less and if you prefer to handwrite your contribution please please please be neat."
  • a fan explains her fannish roots: "My fannishness has its roots in "Star Trek" (and whose doesn't?). No longer the serious Trekker I've since grown into, among others, a 'buddy' fan: "Starsky and Hutch", "Lethal Weapon", and only recently, "AS&J"."
  • a fan writes that she and another fan are trying to put together a buddy show letterzine, though this later appears to have not worked out
  • many fans write in and explain why they love AS&J -- a common response: "Why do I love "Alias Smith and Jones"? Hard to put in a skimpy little letter. In high school, I fell in love with Pete Duel. Those adorable eyes, that charming grin -that silver tongued devil Hannibal Heyes! I loved the show because I liked Westerns. I loved the humor of it all - hey, what can I say? I LOVED it! And I still do! I was terribly devastated by Pete Duel's suicide and, I have to admit, (even though Roger Davis was okay on "Dark Shadows") since I hated him in "Smiler With A Gun", I couldn't stand him in the role of Hannibal Heyes! I rarely watched the show after that."
  • another testimonial: "Why do I love "AS&J"? Boy, that's a tough question to answer. There are so many reasons. First of all, there is Peter Duel. I think he's a terrific actor. His character Heyes was a delight to watch. I thought that the chemistry between Ben Murphy and Peter Duel was wonderful. It was fun to sit down and watch the two tease each other and get in and out of all these situations in a humorous manner. The outlaws were the underdogs and the good guys. They bent a few laws here and there and outsmarted the authorities without doing anything terrible, I think that most people like to watch that because they see a little bit of themselves in the characters too."
  • and another fan's reasons for loving the show: "One of the things I enjoy best is the comraderie between our two lovable heros. They were cousins who, regardless of the cost, would sacrafice for another. I treasure this type of unique friendship as it's much too rare in the world, but in the days of the old West, it was perhaps the one thing Heyes and Curry could count on each other. This is what drew me to the show from the start. Sure, there was plenty of humor and wit, and the usual drama, but the mainstay for me is the way the two interacted."
  • a fan, who has still not seen the pilot (the editor interjects she hasn't seen it either), recounts her earliest exposure to the show: "Anyway, back in the Dark Ages we had audio tapes, and alot of the episodes I remember were audio and not visual. Many a time I went on trips accompanied by the voices on a tape. The one episode I would like to see is the pilot. [I'd like to see it too]"
  • illustrating the divide in fans' interest and acceptance of the show after the death of the Pete Duel, a fan asks: "Question for you: are you going to limit episode discussions to the Duel episodes or are you going to include the Davis ones, too?" The editor responds: "My 'Alias' universe ends with 'The Men That Corrupted Hadleyburg,' but it's up to yall whether or know we acknowledge the Davis shows." Another fan writes: "It was a magic series with perfect casting and, sadly, the show was never the same for me when Pete died and Roger stepped in as Heyes. The show died with its star..."

Issue 2

front page of issue #2

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 2 was published in May 1990 and contains 10 pages.

  • the TOTM was: discuss the episode "A Fistful of Diamonds"
  • many fans list their five favorite episodes as well as their favorite female character
  • a fan explains her fannish trajectory so far: "although I began my career as a MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. addict, I first found out about the rest of fandom from STAR TREK cons..."
  • the topic of VCRs is big, with fans discussing how theirs was in the shop for repairs, how they were willing to tape episodes for other fans, and how pre-VCR, they recorded the show on audio tapes; one comment: "Of course, when I first began watching the show, there were no VCRs. So you watched it once and if you missed something in a particular episode, you just plain missed it. (I've since become completely spoiled by VCRs. To the point, I'm embarrassed to say, that when I'm watching a TV show in "real time" I sometimes forget and grab for the VCR remote to trv and fast forward through commercials!) Now that I have the chance to leisurely browse through the episodes (over and over and over...)"
  • a fan writes that she believes the actor, Roger Davis, was a very gracious man and "though I don't believe anyone could have replaced Peter in this role, Roger did what he could under a great deal of pressure. I don't think we would have liked anyone who was picked to 'replace' Pete."
  • the editor asks readers if they would be interested in a AS&J convention: "Nothing big and fancy, just a weekend-long submersion into everything ALIAS."
  • a fan who has written for many zines says that "just when the frenzy seemed to be dying down," she was contacted by some fans thinking of starting two different fan clubs: "And suddenly I'm enmeshed in AS&J." -- the editor adds: "The net feels purty good, don't it?"
  • a fan writes that "I am a hurt/comfort fan so any episode that has any scene remotely related to that theme is a favorite." The editor adds that "In one of my other fandoms, us aficionados of h/c have proclaimed ourselves as 'Hurt/Comfort Pigs'."

Issue 3

front page of issue #3

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 3 was published in July 1990 and contains 12 pages.

  • this issue has these discussion topics: "Pete Hayes vs Roger Heyes. What of it? How did the spirit of the show change when Roger took over? How did the Curry/Heyes relationship change?, discussion of the episode "The Posse That Wouldn't Quit," and finally, "Romance in the ALIAS universe. Why the lack of anything serious? The Boys and their flings."
  • a fan comments that the lack of romantic relationships with women in the show is "made up for in our fanfic." Another fan says the lack of relationships with women was because The Boys did were smart enough to know that it wouldn't be kind or realistic to ask a woman to follow them all over the country and live a life on the run
  • another fan comments on the lack of romantic female lasting relationships: "The other reason they never had any serious romances is the green-eyed monster. Since most fans were female and 'loved' one of the guys, no TV show that wanted to stay on the air could ever involve its leading man (men) in a long-term permanent romance, the old 'Marry-Joe-Cartwright-and-Die-Syndrome' -- substitute any other male hero's name!"
  • another fan's opinion on the lack of credible romance with women: "As for the lack of romances in the episodes, that's not a bad thing. After all, who wants to see their heroes slobbering over some extremely lucky leading lady?!!? Right girls?!"
  • many fans write that they don't have an opinion about the show after Duel's death as they stopped watching it after that; one fan sums up many other's opinions:
    On the Pete-Roger thing. I certainly have nothing new to add to the discussion. I'm sure Mr. Davis did the best that he could with what he had. The thing as I see it is this - Pete's fans are/were such a passionate group we (I include mvself) can see no other actor as HH. Some fans (not me; I un-include myself here) may even blur the line and see Pete and Heyes as one and the same. (I wonder what kind of reception an actor who more closely resembled Pete would've received...). I believe that the sparkle of the Heyes/Curry relationship dimmed after Pete was gone; the chemistry (there's that word again) between Roger and Ben just wasn't there like it was with Pete and Ben. I believe that quality known as chemistry is something that exists apart from an actor's interaction with his or her fellow players - it's above and beyond emoting and blocking and delivering lines. It's just that unexplainable "click" that happens when two people come together and together they really shine. (We the audience may even be responsible for creating "chemistry" out of our own desires). With this in mind, I believe the lack of that "click" between Roger and Ben had nothing to do with Roger's talents as an actor. Still, watching the post-"Hadleyburg" shows is hard for me. The stories are just as good as any Pete appeared in. But, to me at least, Kid Curry seems kind of sad, less carefree, suddenly much wiser, and, well, The Brunette With The Grin is missing...

  • Another fan comments on the show without Duel, framing her answer with how the show only went on because there was money to be made:
    The Curry/Heyes relationship changed alot, the chemistry and sparkle was gone, and I thought Ben looked sad in some episodes. In fact, I found the very first episode with Roger as a replacement almost too unbearably sad to watch. I only watched several episodes, that was enough for me. It must have been extremely difficult for the actors and crew to carry on with that first episode without Pete; they must've been in total shock. Looking back in retrospect, we mustn't blame Roger; he was just doing his job as an actor. I blame the Hollywood moguls who decided to carry on - they showed no respect for Pete. It was awful.

  • about a possible AS&J convention, one fan writes that it is not feasible as "most of us these days are unable to go outside our own territories due to inflation, bills, etc."; she suggests a AS&J meet-up at a multimedia con instead. Other fans, though, think a con is a super idea and aren't too picky as to where it would be or when
  • there is a full-page ad for Laramie Revisited

Issue 4

front page of issue #4

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 4 was published in September 1990 and contains 10 pages.

  • the discussion topics are: "Cast the 'Alias Smith and Jones' prequel entitled 'Heyes and Curry, the Early Years'" with actual actors, discuss the episode "The Bounty Hunter," and finally, "Are Heyes and Curry really blood relations?"
  • the editor says she needs more tribbers and suggests they skip the September issue next year and just publish in March, May, July and November
  • a fan writes that she actually likes the Roger Davis episodes, though admits they are "harder": "you get the feeling Heyes and Curry are desperate outlaws. I prefer to think of the Roger Davis episodes as an alternate to the Pete Duels, which is easy since the time stated in the show is different - Pete circa 1882, Roger circa 1885. The partnership is changed too — these two are tied together not by choice but by situation, and are making the best of it. They're not willing to show their liking to each other, but it is there."
  • several fans have suggested that Curry and Heyes were ancestors of Starsky & Hutch
  • a fan writes: "It's terrific to know that the AS&J fever's still burning with so many people -- it certainly is with me, all these 19 years. It'll never stop, right guys? Better go sign off now, maybe go watch another episode for the millionth time on video!"

Issue 5

front page of issue #5

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 5 was published in November 1990 and contains 21 pages.

  • this issue has a poem called "Man of the Mountains" and "Just Another Universal City Working Day" (the second one is RPF) by Jan Busell
  • this issue has a poem (uncredited) called "One Snowy Christmas Eve," and an untitled poem by Peta-Jo Ford
  • this issue has a story called "The Halloween Party" by Paula Smus, and one by "Silent Night, Holy Night" by "Hannibal Heyes"
  • a fan remembers an AS&J board game that was designed and done by Laura Virgil in the 1970s: "It was really something, handpainted board, cards, etc."
  • a fan has a concern about an attitude:
    In the past year some fans seem to have put other fans up on a pedestal. I feel this is very wrong. Many fans throughout the years have helped to spread the growth of AS&J fandom and should be remembered. There was a fanzine in the 70's before we all started actively. Now we have great fanzines by Erika and Sue and Cinda and Jody which help spread the AS&J joy. And we mustn't forget your letterzine which has joined many of us.

  • several fans say that they don't want the editor to skip the September issue, one of them saying that she thought $2 would be too high a price for a single issue with that cut; the editor reminded her that she was absolutely making no money and that simply breaking even
  • a fan is unhappy with some new additions to the letterzine: "I can't say I'm very happy with the premise of the next COCAH. I don't feel vignettes or poetry qualify as a matter for a letterzine. Surely there are more episodes or subjects to discuss."
  • a fan says another one has sent her a button in the mail, one that says "I'm a Hurt/Comfort Pig!" -- the editor gives this explanation for the phrase: "The slogan originated with a fan named Maria Farina at a Starsky & Hutch con [1] last year."

Issue 6

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 6 was published in March 1991 and contains 11 pages.

  • the discussion topics are "Hurt/Comfort, what is it and why DO we love it?, What are your favorite H/C themes?, and If you're into zines, tell us about your favorite H/C stories." Episodes to discuss: "The Fifth Victim" and "Night of the Red Dog"
  • a fan tells of an intense experience she recently had when a woman, who'd been shot, was pounding on her door, the fan let the woman in and called 911: "Happened to yours truly a month and a half ago. I must say, h/c in reality can be quite different from h/c in our fanfic: it can be a lot messier- It can also be a heck of a lot scarier. Then again, our h/c is very different from this scenario of helping a total stranger. To me, h/c is a way of "screwing around" with a highly idealized relationship. Yes, it involves some projection of myself into the situation. There's all kinds of Freudian stuff going on here: dominance/passiveness, nurturing, etc., and there is, for me, an ever baser element involved. Seems all of my favorite "buddys" are always these fantastically sexy looking types involved in real manly type pursuits - I like to call it the "Crazy Cops and Cool Cowboys" Syndrome. Maybe that's why h/c touches us so deeply, all that Freudian stuff."
  • an acafan in the making:
    These days I'm teaching writing at [University name redacted] —sneaking AS&J references into my handouts (for their final exam, my tech writers wrote a resume for Clementine Hale). My professional goal is to convert the scholarly world to proper appreciation of AS&J, THE MONKEES, and MAN FROM UNCLE (let's hear it for buddy shows!) To that end I'm working towards a PhD in TV/film history and hope to soon learn TV scholars' lingo so I can hit them with Heyesian persuasion (if that doesn't work, a little Curryan persuasion.)

  • about the discussion topic:
    If "hurt/comfort" means how come we get a kick out of scenes where one guy is injured and the other comes to his aid, I've been thinking about that a lot since reading Cinda's Just You, Me, and the Governor; I think it ties in with why women like buddy shows. I've been asking around about that, and I have several possible explanations, one of which could answer the hurt/comfort tends to the other, we get to see the feminine side of his nature. It's too bad men's lib hasn't yet made it socially acceptable for men to show gentleness and nurturing toward a friend until he's facing death."

  • another fan dislikes h/c in general as "the characters never appear to be acting like men. The prose is so overdone to the point of being sappy."
  • more about hurt/comfort:
    When someone is hurt and someone else offers them comfort, I think it touches our hearts because it lets us believe that we're not alone. H/C shows us that someone cares and allows us to feel a little bit better about ourselves because we can empathize with the person who is hurt and the person who offers comfort. For the same reason kids want to take in stray cats or puppy dogs, our hearts go out to injured creatures - man or beast. We feel sorry for them and want to help. And like the old saying "It's better to give than receive" I think most of us feel good about being able to comfort someone else.

  • more on the discussion topic, h/c:
    I liked hurt/comfort stories long before I ever heard the term or even knew there was such a category. I think we just react on a basic, instinctive level to that type of situation. I think it's a universal plot element—the worse the trouble or suffering or fear, the sweeter the happy ending will be. Stories would be pretty boring if the characters were always safe and happy. Not that we wish them harm, but facing adversity brings people closer together, and I think we crave that closeness. It's probably also related to why people ride roller-coasters and watch Stephen King movies. I could go all Freudian and compare it to sexual tension and release, too, as well as a childhood memory of being taken care of. H/C takes our emotions to the brink of disaster and then makes everything all better.

  • a fan has this to say about h/c: "I think I like it because it allows me to reconstruct two male characters into two male characters (who have all the advantages of being male) who share a relationship that is the same as a female same-sex friendship. It's the best of two possible worlds."
  • a fan disagrees with another's statement from the previous issue:
    I think your comment about "fans [who] seem to have put other fans up on a pedestal" was a little unnecessary. I have no idea if you're referring to someone specifically or just making a general comment, but when some fans write excellent fic, they deserve to be recognized for their talent. Those who publish zines and letterzines deserve to be recognized also for their contributions (and I exclude myself from this remark because I haven't "been in the business long enough"). I believe there is sometimes a segment of fandom who does not have heavy outside responsibilities and everyone needs to realize that fandom does require a commitment of time and energy. So, along with being patient when things are sometimes delayed, everyone should be appreciative of folks like Debbie, Cinda, you, Melody Rondeau, and all the others who put forth efforts to help entertain us all. The bottom line is: Fandom should be fun and everyone should try to be considerate of each other.

  • a fan points out that one of the poems in the last issue was previously printed in Alias Heyes and Curry and says that "it is customary to give credit when a piece has previously appeared in another zine. Authors should let an editor know their pieces have been sent elsewhere or appeared before."
  • a fan is unhappy with the amount of personal chit-chat in the letterzine, that it is distracting: "Surely everyone can write a [personal] letter? I've never seen this in other newsletters before."

Issue 7

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 7 was published in May 1991 and contains 8 pages.

  • the discussion topics are the episode "21 Days to Tenstrike" and comments about the quality of the acting in the show
  • a fan ruminates:
    Fandom. What and why. I like the creative outlet that fandom gives me. I like the fellowship I have with other fans. O what a feeling communing with others who are just as passionate or crazy as you are - all in the name of a delighful TV experience. To me, fandom is kind of like a religion - different things to different people. There's the FIAWOL (fandom is a way of life) camp, then there's the FIJAGDH (fandom is just a *** damn hobby) camp - each as committed to the "call" as the other, just expressing it differently.

  • another fan also writes about fandom:
    I would say the #1 benefit I derive from fandom is connection. To know that there are other people who like a show as much as I do, who watch it over and over, tape it, make up stories about it, and like to talk about it in depth has been a revelation. It's much more fun to share opinions and feelings with people who can relate instead of with people who start to get a glazed look when you bring up your favorite topic again. And extending the show through fanzines and COCAH is extending the fun.

  • a fan comments on hurt/comfort:
    I agree that the physical manifestation of hurt/comfort has to be used sparingly; in fact, one of my few complaints about fan fiction is that hero-on-deathbed scenes are too common. I think even the series relied a bit too often on them. There are only so many times a season a main character can brush death and survive before the audience gets suspicious. And as Cinda indicated, psychological h/c is just as exciting; a threat to the heroes1 relationship, be it pleasant (e.g. marriage) or not means an end to the story too. So when Heyes and Curry tease each other about splitting up but yet make it clear they won't, the laugh is all the stronger for coming at the end of a moment of fear.

  • another fan says about hurt/comfort: "Simply put, H/C is all about those scenes that make you feel like you've just melted inside."
  • about the chemistry of buddy shows: "It's a quality that's present in all the great 'buddy' series -- I'm thinking specifically of two genuine classics, one of which is Starsky and Hutch [the other is Riptide], of which I was and still am a fanatic... We used to act out scenes from episodes and invent stories of our own -- I was always Starsky to my best friend's Hutch! Hard to get other friends to play the baddies, though." She mentions that she is writing a Starsky & Hutch/Riptide story.

Issue 8

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 8 was published in July 1991 and contains 10 pages.

  • the discussion topics: the episode "How to Rob a Bank in One Hard Lesson" and "Write a short detailed bio of any character of your choice -- get inside of Heyes' head, what motivates him? Why did The Kid grow that mustache? What did Clem Hale find under the Christmas tree last Christmas?"
  • many fans' letters have apologies about having to make their comments short due to other demands on their time, several admit to starting to become interested in other fandoms
  • a fan comments about a complaint in an earlier issue about how personal comments and shout-outs shouldn't be in the letterzine: "I DISAGREE! I just don't have time to write everyone personally, that's why I subscribe to the letterzine."
  • two well-known fans, [C G] and [J N], mention that they are going to their first con, Time Con in San Jose in July
  • a fan comments about what fandom means to her:
    I think fandom is one of the few places where I can talk about the stuff I love and have people really listen to me, and agree or disagree, and it's treated as a reasonable thing to talk about! I've met some really terrific people here, and it's the "community" that keeps me so involved. It's fun, feels good, and makes me feel like I can be myself...not a bad place to be.

  • more about fandom:
    Gosh, why fandom? That's a toughie! I have to admit it': not a real big part of my life. I'm not into cons though I would like to go to one just out of curiousity's sake. For me, fandom is more personal. I've been into different fandoms (though I never called them that) since I was 11 or 12 though nobody who knew me in school would 've ever guessed! Even now, few people know about my involvement in fandoms. And I gotta admit, I'm a one-fandom-at-a-time-woman and since AS&J has taken a back seat to BORDERTOWN lately, I've been hard pressed to write a LOC for COCAH. (But I'm trying real hard. Honest!). For me, I become a fan of a TV series because of the relationship between the characters and, of course, a healthy dose of h/c is alwasy enjoyed. Also, as opposed to most of you, even though I may like a certain actor, when I get into a fandom it's because of the characters, not -the actors.

  • a fan asks another: "Are you still on planet Earth? I haven't heard from you in 10 months now; I've written 6 times. Was it something I said?"

Issue 9

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 9 was published in September 1991 and contains 10 pages.

  • the discussion topics: the episode "The Day They Hanged Kid Curry" and "Discuss Heyes' and Curry's childhoods. What was life like for them in Kansas of the 1800's? What were their families like?"
  • the editor is calling it quits: "Almost time to wrap up another year of COCAH. And, sad to say, this is gonna be the final year for me. What with megaresponsibilities bestowed upon me at work and certain other fandoms moving into my spotlight I feel I can no longer give the l/zine the due its worth. November's ish will be my last..."
  • a fan speculates on AS&J's place in fandom history:
    About AS&J breaking ground: it's the first time I can recall hearing a swear word on TV (in BOUNTY HUNTER). OK, it's not much. I'm trying for better, but I don't know enough; maybe y'all can answer this: could we claim it's the first rock 'n' roll influenced Western, paving the way for KUNG FU and YOUNG RIDERS? In the editing style, actors— seems like it's designed for the rock generation. All the others seem aimed at adults or little kids. If anyone can think of a pre-AS&J Western with a rock style, you'd save me a lot of research.

  • a British fan says that the episode "The Day They Hanged Kid Curry" had [at that time] never been shown in the UK
  • about the acceptability of personal comments to each other in the letterzine:
    This was advertised as a "letterzine" not a "newsletter" I once remember Debbie saying "Anything you wanna share is fit for COCAH..." I feel it is entirely appropriate for everyone to jot little notes back and forth. That personal connection between the various LOCers is part of what makes this all so much fun- And, like [name redacted], I too rarely have time to individually correspond with all of my friends in fandom.

  • many fans during the run of this letterzine say they began writing fanfic and acting out the stories while children/teens; one example:
    What do I get from fandom/what is it? Well, when I was in high school, a couple of friends and I wrote (what I now know as) fanfic. There were dozens of TV shows that we absolutely adored including MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E, STAR TREK, HIGH CHAPPARAL, HERE COME THE BRIDES, BONANZA, ALIAS SMITH AND JONES, and DARK SHADOWS. For about 20 years, I've had one very close friend who continued to do such stuff with me and about five years ago, we began attending Trek cons in and around the DC area. At one con, we were introduced to "Datazine" and were astounded to find that there were fandoms out there for about every show that ever ran! I ordered several zines and "met" nice folks like Cinda and Melody Rondeau through those and, after that, my involvement just grew and grew.

  • a fan comments on fandom:
    Fandom has provided me the opportunity to join with people sharing common interests in different TV shows and allowed me to gain pen friends around the country and around the world. Although I lead a fairly hectic mundane life, I still enjoy an opportunity to relax after a hard day at work. It's great to be able to write a story and have someone who knows the subject matter give me a decent opinion or critical comments. I love getting home and finding a letter from a fellow fan or a zine I've ordered in my mailbox. It's also terrific to find younger people "discovering" an older show for the first time.

  • a fan speculates on whether the characters were really cousins and why she believes it to be so; the subject of slash is brought up very lightly, the only time it is mentioned in this letterzine's run:
    I think it is more likely the powers that be thought their friendship would be more explainable if they were related. [The Editor comments: Maybe the intimacy the boys shared (and we must admit there was a lot of unspoken communication between those two - the knowing glances, and, surely unique to TV up to the time of AS&J, men who openly touched) was making someone somewhere a little uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to insinuate any kind of slash relationship, but I think [name redacted] has an interesting point here...] Being related does give a strong basis for their kind of unconditional loyalty and friendship, but somehow the idea that they developed that without being related seems dearer to me. Makes it that much more special.

  • several fans bring up the topic of the con that had been discussed in earlier issues; the editor answers that a con isn't going to happen, but that AS&J fans should get together at the next Media West
  • a fan asks if others want to "start a Planet of the Apes fandom" with her: "I know of a few (few? Many!) devotees, and we're so obsessed by it we write fanfic on the series. I'm about to have two POTA stories published in two zines and am working on a third."

Issue 10

Compliments of Curry and Heyes 10 was published in November 1991 and contains 8 pages.

  • the discussion topics are "Finish the Boys' lives. We last left them trying hard as heck to ride the straight and narrow in the name of AMNESTY. Do they succeed? Do they marry? Close the book on Those Guys," and "What is the message of ALIAS SMITH AND JONES?"
  • a fan writes that she is upset to have the letterzine end: "It's been a terrific two years, and I'm really going to miss it. There isn't someone else who'd be willing to take it on, is there? Or anybody with another idea on how we could keep our dialogue going somehow?"
  • a fan asks that others let her know what other fandoms folks are headed to so that she can keep in touch with them
  • the message of the show? loyalty to friends
  • the Boys' future: a happy ending


  1. ^ possibly Reunion Con, though the timing is off just a little bit; could also be ZebraCon