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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Blitzkrieg
Author(s): Jael Lyn
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Blitzkrieg

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Blitzkrieg is a Sentinel story by Jael Lyn.

Reactions and Reviews

The plot of this story was a clever and unusual idea; no psychos, no megalomaniacs -- the enemy is... well, that would spoil it, wouldn't it? Blair gets to shine with his analytical abilities, we see a little insight into Joel's past... and the good guys eventually win. This used the fanon idea that Jim can't manage his senses without Blair there; which was part of the crisis, causing Our Heroes to pull long shifts in order to work together. This didn't particularly bug me, I just thought I'd point it out. However, I got the impression that the author lost steam before she got to the end, and tried to finish in a hurry. There were things I would have liked to see in more detail, particularly near the end, which were just covered in a brief narration.[1]


  1. ^ 2000 comments at Katspace