Barry Allen/Leonard Snart/Iris West

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Pairing: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart/Iris West
Alternative name(s): Coldwestallen
Gender category: Threesome, M/M/F
Fandom: The Flash (CW) (Arrowverse)
Canonical?: non-canon
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Barry/Leonard/Iris is a threesome pairing of Barry Allen (Flash), his canonical love interest Iris West and antagonist Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) in the CW's The Flash fandom.


On The Flash (CW), all three characters only shared screen time twice. During episode 2x09 Running to Stand Still when Leonard Snart came to the West residence to warn Barry Allen about Weather Wizard's and Trickster's plan to kill the Flash, Snart exchanged semi-hostile banter with both Barry and Iris, acknowledging that he was reading and enjoying Iris's journalistic output.

In episode 3x22 Infantino Street, after Snart had already died in the present, Barry travelled back in time to enlist the help of a past version of Snart in order to help him break into A.R.G.U.S. and steal a weapon to help save Iris's life from Savitar. Uncharacteristically, Snart didn't ask for anything in exchange for his help. Iris and Barry both emphasised that they trusted him, regardless of their past encounters.


The threesome pairing of Barry Allen, Iris West and Leonard Snart is known by the name smoosh Coldwestallen. For many shippers, it branches off the popular Barry Allen/Leonard Snart (Coldflash) pairing by acknowledging and not wanting to break up Barry's canonical relationship and marriage with Iris. Some Coldwestallen fanfiction however also focuses on the Leonard Snart/Iris West (Coldwest) angle of the threesome instead, exploring their similarities despite their differences in morals.

It's the second most popular threesome ship in The Flash (CW) fandom, after Barry Allen/Mick Rory/Leonard Snart (Coldflashwave).

The pairing also appears in the Legends of Tomorrow section of the fandom.

Common Tropes

Many Coldwestallen works build off relationship dynamics found in Coldflash fanworks, which is not surprising given that many Coldwestallen writers and creators are also actively creating works for Coldflash. There is often a nod to Cold's obsession with the Flash and/or Barry Allen's crush on Leonard Snart. Almost all Coldwestallen works are set after Barry and Iris get together, and Iris is often aware of Barry's soft spot for Len, or is not surprised by his attraction to Len.

A lot of the fanfictions are Canon Divergence AUs or Fix-it fics, assuming Snart's death on Legends of Tomorrow never happened or having him come to life afterwards. Iris may have supported Barry while he grieved Len's death, and become aware of Barry's feelings for Len during this time.

The narrative hurdle for writers attempting to get this polyship together is often Iris/Len. Westallen is canon and the most popular het pairing in the fandom. Coldflash also has a wealth of agreed fanon for writers to draw upon, as the most popular ship in the fandom. Meanwhile Coldwest is a rarepair and the two characters have barely interacted in canon.

There are several works that build on Leonard's interest in Iris's journalism work. In a small number of works, Len has been following Iris's work since her blog about the Flash, and they may form a friendship around their shared interest in the Flash. In this way, Len and Iris may know one another before either of them know that Barry Allen is the Flash. In others, Iris may bump into Len while investigating an article.

There is also more than one work using the Fuck or Die trope to bring this threesome together. In these works, it's usually either Barry or Iris who must have sex with Len, and the fallout from the fuck or die scenario results in much angst for Westallen, before an eventual Coldwestallen ending.


Example Fanworks




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