Antidote to Apples

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: Antidote to Apples
Author(s): Kris Brown
Date(s): 1992
Fandom: The Professionals
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Antidote to Apples is a Professionals story by Kris Brown.

It is a responsefic to Apples for the Lady by TD Murphy, which in turn is a responsefic to Poison Apples, a Professionals story by Pam Rose.

Poison Apples is based on the movie, "The Wicker Man."

Antidote to Apples

Some people consider Apples for the Lady to be anti-slash. Kris Brown's story is said to "fix" the changes made to the original slash relationship set up in Pam Rose's story, hence the title "Antidote to Apples". [1]


The author's summary for this story:

Third in the 'Apple’ series where Bodie is left to deal with Doyle’s loss of memory about the love they shared on Summerisle. The dilemma -if Doyle remembers their love, he’ll remember the details of Lord Summerisle's death and if he does, could he live with himself? The problem is that little by little, Ray's memories are returning...all of them. Can Bodie's love be strong enough for Ray to surmount the pain?

Fan Comments

See, to me the second story [Apples for a Lady] is absolutley focussed on our Bodie/Doyle pairing - when they're wrecked at the start they're both either out to find the other or are devastated thinking they're dead, and that theme runs right through it. Everything they do is focussed on each other, even to the point that they're both prepared to die, or give up their souls for each other. The twist at the end is that although they both think they have - Bodie ultimately, by letting Doyle forget rather than losing him completely - their connection is actually so strong that the Lady's "bargain" (if indeed that was what she meant, rather than it being through the mouth of Aunt Margaret) is actually falling apart - her power/potion isn't strong enough that Doyle does completely forget.

All of which is probably unfair, because you no doubt don't remember the details of the second story now!

I'd like to read the third sequel now, because I wonder if it "fixes" things that weren't necessarily broken, rather than continuing the story (if you know what I mean by the difference! *g*)... [2]


  1. ^ from The Hatstand
  2. ^ 2012 comments at CI5hq