And In This Corner...

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You may be looking for the Star Trek: Voyager story In This Corner.

Title: And In This Corner...
Creator: Marcia Brin
Date(s): September 1984
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Wars
External Links: online version
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And In This Corner... is a meta essay by Marcia Brin that was published in Southern Enclave #5.

It is online here.


"I have a lot of problems with the supposed about-face Darth Vader allegedly makes at the end of ROTJ. I'm not alone; various other expressions of disbelief have been heard, some coming from employees of Lucasfilm itself; it seems to me that there are three possibilities: (1) Darth and Anakin are one person, who fell to the Dark Side, changed his name and, then, out of the olue, made a turnabout; (2) Darth and Anakin are two separate personas; and (3) Darth and Anakin are two separate people."