A Lytell Geste

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Title: A Lytell Geste
Author(s): Catherine Boone
Date(s): 1999 or before
Genre: gen fanfiction
Fandom: Highlander
External Links: A Lytell Geste (Angst-Free Zone)

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A Lytell Geste is a Highlander story by Catherine Boone.

Summary: In which Mac, Methos, and Amanda play a revealing game of Truth or Dare.

Recs and Reviews

I've always enjoyed the chemistry on Highlander between Methos and Amanda, and this story captures and expands upon that great buddy dynamic. It's also one of the best of the peculiar Immortals in History genre in HL fic--not a genre that often works to my taste, but this one works. Methos and Amanda as Robin and Marion... it shouldn't work, but it does. And it's a rollicking good adventure and a ton of fun, too. And now I'm going to go find some depressing fic to read until the urge to say "rollicking good adventure" has completely left me.[1]


  1. ^ Cori Lannam. Cori Lannam's Mild-Mannered Recommendations Page - Year 2000 Recs, 17 October 2000. (Accessed 15 April 2016)