Weapon Brown

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Fan Comic
Title: Weapon Brown
Artist: Jason Yungbluth
Date(s): 2002, 2007-2012, 2019-2021
First Published:
Medium: Webcomic
Genre/Style: Action, post-apocalyptic
Fandom: Peanuts
External Links: Blockhead's War, Weapon Brown on Wikipedia Weapon Brown on TV Tropes Weapon Brown web site
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Weapon Brown is a webcomic created by Jason Yungbluth. The comic originally started as a side project to Yungbluth's anthology webcomic Deep Fried, where the Weapon Brown character first appeared. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the series features darker, grittier, versions of characters from the comic strip Peanuts, focusing on a cybernetic mercenary named Weapon Brown and his man-eating dog, Snoop. Because of this, Weapon Brown can be considered a transformative work.

Canon Information

The first Weapon Brown story, A Peanut Scorned, was originally published as part of the Deep Fried series. It follows Weapon Brown as he embarks on a quest to save his red-haired lover from his former friend Linus, who intends to sacrifice her to an evil deity, The Great Pumpkin. The series was split across four issues, which were compiled into a one-shot issue in December 2002.

A sequel, Blockhead's War, was spread over five issues and published between 2007 and 2012. The sequel sees Brown join a resistance movement against the Syndicate, the tyrannical organization ruling over the apocalyptic wasteland. This installment moves beyond strictly parodying Peanuts, involving characters from countless other comic strips, including Calvin and Hobbes, Little Orphan Annie, Popeye, The Boondocks, Garfield, Dilbert, The Wizard of Id, Doonesbury, and Broom-Hilda.

In 2019, Yungbluth began working on a semi-sequel, Weapon Brown:Aftershock. The comic is structured as an anthology tied together by several characters sharing stories about Weapon Brown around a campfire. The last issue was published in 2021.


why is Weapon Brown so good. There’s no need for it. Nobody asked for gritty Charlie Brown and yet we got it and it FUCKS. Whadda hell…

tigirl-and-co [1]


Resources and Links


  1. ^ Tumblr post by tigirl-and-co, Archived version. Posted 15 January 2021. Archived 13 November 2021.