War Boys

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Relationship: War Boys
Alternative name(s): Half-life
Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road
Canonical?: yes
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The War Boys are an army of young men who fight for Immortan Joe or his sons in the world of Mad Max: Fury Road.

In Canon

Either because of the remnants of radiation or pollution, or due to poverty and poor quality of life, they don't expect to live long and so throw themselves into battle to try to have a glorious, or "historic," death. They created some sort of religion around cars, even building a shrine of steering wheels in the bowels of the Citadel where they live, and etch detailed scars into their bodies that celebrate this car cult or violence in general.

Although they believe that their actions will win them a place in Valhalla, The Splendid Angharad asserts that they're merely battle fodder.

We are war boys!

War boys!
Kamikrazee crazy war boys!
War boys!

Fukushima kamikrazee crazy war boys!


The War Boys are a popular group of characters in fandom and a number of fanfics explore the creation of the army/cult and how they adapt to a post-Joe life in the Citadel. The AO3 tag War Boy Culture was created for works that specifically examine their society.

When you’re a War Boy, your body is an expendable, broken-down machine, your torturous half-life spent waiting for the ultimate self-sacrificing high; the best you can hope for is a spectacular death, for that death to be “witnessed.” The worst thing you can hear is the scoff of “mediocre”: your life, you thought, was building to this moment; you cast yourself on the pyre of blood and chrome with hopes of eternal glory; you gave up everything, and it wasn’t enough. Your half-life (and afterlife) hinges on the moment of your death, and how well it served your god-king.


Immortan Joe’s empire is a blood-soaked engine whose organic components are reduced to their function- whatever it is that they can do or give to benefit Joe, whether it be milk, blood, or children. It’s no wonder the War Boys’ fetishize and worship of technology. They regard their own diseased, “half-life” bodies as inferior to the vehicles they’re obsessed with- strong and solid and never-tiring. Indeed their doctor is even called “the Organic Mechanic” and they bear circuit-like engine-tattoos and ceremonial chrome mouth-spray-paint to imitate the mighty machines they worship and envy.







War Boys at the Mad Max wiki