Voyage (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea con)

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Name: Voyage
Dates: 1994, 1997
Location: England
Type: fan-run, non-profit
Focus: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Founder: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Founding Date:
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Voyage was a Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea con.

a flyer for the 1997 con

It was held in 1994 and 1997 in England. It was a "small friendly convention with a full programme of events."

The con zine was VTTBOTS Convention Fiction.


There is a very, very long description and transcript of Paul Zastupnevich's (assistant to Irwin Allen) talk at this con. The transcription is by Jeanette Georgali of Giant's Log. It was also printed in In the Belly of the Whale #4.


I would like to tell you I'm deeply impressed by all your efforts and I cannot believe the vast amount of research you all have done. The problem with most producers in America is that they do not acknowledge the fans, especially Irwin Allen. We often got into many arguments about it. 'These are the people that buy the tickets that make you what you are today,' I said, 'and this is where your money comes from. You're busy running around and taking care of what I call the bigwigs, the moneymen, instead of acknowledging you people, your sweat and your efforts.'


I know that the scripts on the shows began to deteriorate, because Irwin Allen was never what I call a family man. He was an orphan at the age of twelve so he didn't know what it was like to have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, so he couldn't relate to family relationships. So that's why you find the characters. most of the characters, in the series are really not developed. He wasn't capable of human emotions. The only thing he was capable of was screaming! My favorite word for him was not Egomaniac but Igomaniac: 'I this. I that. I want this, I want this tomorrow.' "I started out originally to be a costume designer. It was Rhonda Fleming who originally got me my interview with him, and my position. I was to stay three weeks. I stayed thirty years! I'm like the man who came to dinner.... "If Irwin Allen wanted something done he would say to his minions 'I want this and this' and they would say 'It can't be done.' And he'd say 'Yeah, but I want it in fifteen minutes!' So invariably he'd turn round and say 'Well, I'll get Paul to do it.' So the favorite phrase around the studio was 'Get Paul to do it'!


Novotel, Sheffield, England from 25th - 27th July 1997.

Charities were Submarine Museum and Gosport Sheffield Child Helpline.