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Sandbox: This page is an abandoned draft containing useful material that needs to be incorporated into another article.

If anyone besides me feels inspired, I authorize the use of this content to create new pages or maintain existing pages.

Hot Fuzz and the Queer Plot Context

In October 19th, 2009, Edgar Wright did some tweets about Hot Fuzz after a joke involving The X Factor. This turned into a post on his blog titled "The Steamy Hot Fuzz Slash Fiction". Below link to the twees linked in the post:

Has anyone written John & Edward slash fiction yet? Apart from themselves, that is.[1]

McSpirk AOS

Watsonian vs. Doylist in other fandoms

  • GoT/ASoIaF fans discussion about use of the same names and character motivation.[2]
  • A fan compares female sexist clothes with Watsonian vs Doylist vision[3][4]


Some links to add the overnight-parafandom Goncharov page: excellent discussion of the plot's homoerotic undertone

Searching for the name of an online trope/genre/meme

Does anyone know the name of the possible Trope, Genre or Memes based on the famous photograph of Anne Hathaway wedged between Audra McDonald and Raúl Esparza? E.g., thread on twitter asking the same and a Louis/Lestat/Armand art and Louis/Daniel/Armand art from IWTV fandom. Or this two pieces from OFMD fandom steddyhands art and Izzy Hands art. There are also these Goncharov art at Tumblr, "piece one" and "piece two".

Slash Fandom, Heteronormativity and Homophobia a Discussion

Brazilians to add on Fanlore

Moomintrivia Tumblr

Trivias for Moomins's Fanlore Article:

Ayla Olsen, AdultFanFiction.Net's founder

Compiled from your geocities, website and other online profiles including her pseudo Kleysa:

Dominique Elize

loose things

good fic vs. bad fic

Henry Kuttner

Create the Henry Kuttner article for Newts in Science Fiction essay page.


Links to different callistos authors available online:

FoLC author

Beatrix Bloxam

ffn profile
