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Name/s: Adrianners
Fandom/s: Yuri!!! on Ice, Critical Role, Discworld, Dragon Age, Persona, CLAMP, Princess Jellyfish, Ouran High School Host Club
You can find me at: Archive of Our Own

Dreamwidth Twitter

On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

I've been in fandom since before I knew there was a word for it. My primary fannish participation from c. 1998 to 2016 was lurking, with a few small but awful exceptions under pseuds I will never, ever reveal. I now write fic, some meta, and a bit of translation for Yuri!!! on Ice.

Fannish History

I got my start in Hanson bandom as a wee young thing. Then the late 90s-early 2000s anime boom happened in the US, and I found Gundam Wing, Gravitation, Fushigi Yuugi, the works of CLAMP, and many others. I had a brief stint writing terrible F!OC/Zac Hanson fic, followed by a briefer stint writing perhaps slightly less terrible anime fic, all of which is blessedly lost. I did, however, come out of the teenage "weeb" phase with a decent grasp of Japanese that I've worked to improve ever since.

I was content to lurk in Harry Potter, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Bioware, and Homestuck fandoms, among others, between about 2003 and 2016. Tumblr, especially, enabled me to be a passive participant, and I had little interest in creating fanworks ever again.

Then Yuri!!! on Ice happened.

Current Favorites

I write fic exclusively for Yuri!!! on Ice at the moment, though I may yet expand to some of my older, deader anime fandoms. There is an alarming lack of Kyouya/Tamaki/Haruhi OT3 fic for Ouran, and I would love to fill that gap, given time and plot ideas.

Most of my work focuses on Viktuuri with assorted side pairings (including Otayuri, Chris/Masumi-san, Viktorcest, and my rarepair fave: Otabek/Mila/Yuri), but I will read and enjoy almost any ship if the fic's concept appeals to me.

My favorite themes are vulnerability, relationship struggles, and communicating across linguistic/cultural/personal barriers. And OT3s.

On Fanlore

Once I get a feel for wiki format and procedure, I hope to add pages for Yuri on Ice fandom events, especially those focused on rarepairs or side characters. (Where do theme weeks go, though? Challenges? They seem so small compared to what else is on there.) The current pages are almost exclusively from a narrow circle of sub-communities, which is kind of absurd for how obnoxiously huge the fandom is. I aim to fix that.


I also hope to contribute to the YoI fandom through my lifelong love for figure skating and my Japanese skills. You can find my episode-by-episode skating/language/plot analysis series and my guidebook translations on my Dreamwidth, linked above.