The Lord of the Peeps: The Fellowship of the Peep

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Title: The Lord of the Peeps: The Fellowship of the Peep
Creator: Entropy House Productions
Date(s): May 2002 - April 2003
Medium: still photography, marshmallow animals
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
External Links: Website site
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The Lord of the Peeps: The Fellowship of the Peep is a Lord of the Rings parody. It is a partial re-creation of the 2001 Peter Jackson film The Fellowship of the Ring, using still photography tableaux of marshmallow animals for humorous effect.

In addition to parodying the film, the website also parodies many of the "extras" found on other fansites during the early 2000s, including fictitious interviews with "stars" "Bunny Boyd" and "Sean Peepsin", AOL icons, and wallpapers.[1][2]


  • Directors and Producers - Baillie From Bree, Penwiper
  • Scriptwriters - Baillie From Bree, Elanor, Eowyn Hobbitsister, Penwiper, Valamber

Other "scriptwriters" include Alexander Pope, Emily Dickinson, John Milton, and William Shakespeare, along with many other public domain poets and writers in English literature.[3]


"I have no words that can describe this. Except maybe way too much time on your hands."[4]

First I thought it was stupid. Then I knew it was stupid. But it still made me laugh." [5]
