Tejas Award

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Name: Tejas Award
Date(s): 1992 to at least 1994
Frequency: annual
Associated Community:
Fandom: science fiction and fantasy
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Tejas Awards were sponsored by Friends of Fandom. They were given in 1992, 1993, 1994, and possibly later years.

The awards were given to science fiction and fantasy professional and amateur (fanworks) creators who were artists, editors, or writers.

Definition of a Texan

Definition of a Texan:

It varies, but for the purposes of the TEJAS AWARDS means a writer/artist/editor who was or is living in the State of Texas at the time the work was sold/accepted/created but not necessarily at the time of publication or exhibition. The awards cover two aspects of fandom:

1) professional
2) fans and their activities that make fandom worthwhile.