Talk:SoKai vs SoRiku

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Since I have a plethora of sources to provide about the experiences of SoRiku shippers in this ship war, I've updated and expanded the page to describe the entire conflict. I've tried to retain the information that was put on the page by the user who made it whenever possible, but I reorganized the page to align with how other ship war pages are organized. For the time being I've left the art as is but am unsure as to whether it should be included. Also unsure whether a ship war needs a related pages box at the bottom, but i've left it there for the time being. I've added the PPOV template because I'm aware that most of my sources are exclusively from the last 5 years and my experience and knowledge of this comes from a specifically soriku perspective. I don't have any sources on the details of what either side was like prior to 2019, so if anyone has any sources they can add for that, it would be greatly appreciated. TheVioletHowler (talk) 10:25, 9 August 2023 (UTC)

Looking over the about section again, i didn't feel like it properly articulated either side's motivations for the ship war. Also, in hindsight, labeling a section about the hostility soriku content receives as "hostility from sokai shippers" wasn't the best choice because many of the examples I've seen (and i'm still working on grabbing citation links for) are from fans who don't see themselves as shippers just as much as it comes from those that do. After thinking it over for a few days, I think it's better to combine the two into one Overview section that gives an outline of each side's motivations and the activities that I personally know of. I didn't worry about a rigid chronological history because i don't have the first-hand knowledge/experience to be able to articulate exact dates and developments in the history of the ship war because i didn't properly get involved in the fandom until 2013ish, and I was oblivious to/uninterested in shipping discourse at the time. I'm working on digging up some pre-2019 links to cite and will add them in as soon as possible. TheVioletHowler (talk) 00:43, 28 August 2023 (UTC)

Re-ordered the Accusations of Misogyny a bit because I felt going from "overt misogyny became less common and accepted in online spaces during the 2010s" to "but the misogyny of those early years still colors how soriku shippers are perceived in the present", followed by examples, and then the paragraph about how the pro-sokai/anti-soriku side feels about modern SoRikus, followed by SoRiku fans' responses to those perceptions, would make more sense in terms of organizing the section. TheVioletHowler (talk) 06:16, 4 February 2024 (UTC)