Talk:Jane of Australia

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A few aliases are listed here, but are not redirects. The text implies that she doesn't associate these pseudonyms with Jane of Australia herself; is that correct? --æthel 18:17, 12 September 2010 (UTC)

That's correct - she never connected the fannish pseuds (and tried to stifle discussions on the topic), but she was in fact all of them. We never did get a good answer as to why. I'd be OK with making redirects as long as the page explains the background (which it does). The one pseud we do not link to/refer to is her 'professional' writing pseud (which is explicitly not mentioned on the page.--Morgandawn 18:44, 12 September 2010 (UTC)
Ah, I spoke too hastily. Only JJ isn't a redirect. (It should be created as a disambig.) --æthel 18:54, 12 September 2010 (UTC)