Talk:Fannish Drift

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Two questions:

What is the term for when fans become active in another fandom primarily because a favorite actor is in it? Things they may not have paid attention to without the actor? For instance, interest in Paul Darrow's stage plays because they are Blake's 7 fans, or fans of Paul Gross who followed later "smaller" shows than due South?

Is there a term for fans who become interested in a topic because they are fans of an actor or show? For instance, fans of War of the Worlds becoming very interested in Native American culture, or fans of Quantum Leap becoming fans of recycling and conservation, or Star Trek: TOS fans following Vincent Van Gogh because of the Leonard Nimoy play? MPH 12:12, 3 October 2023 (UTC)

I don't know if their is a particular term for this. I do know that people on tumblr talk about watching every movie/tv show an actor is in, even the terrible ones, because they love them. It tried searching it on Tumblr, I found a few people calling it their "fannish/fandom obsession" or their "muse". I thought it might be attached to "borblos" but that seems to be a term used exclusively for characters and not for the actors themselves. I'll try asking in some of my fannish discords and see if can find anything -- Kingstoken (talk) 14:02, 3 October 2023 (UTC)