Talk:Doctor Who Fandom Glossary

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re listing by actor/number -- I'd say list them all separately (by number, with the actor in parens like you did with Ten), but with a note somehow that before Nine and online New Who fandom, no one ever called an incarnation of the Doctor by the ordinal; back in the day (... five years ago), you'd never say "Oh, Four was my favorite Doctor!", you'd say "Oh, the Fourth Doctor was my favorite!". The whole "Nine" thing took me more than a year to get used to, I used to cringe every time I saw it. *g* (And I wasn't even *in* offline Who fandom!) --Arduinna 01:57, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

So maybe we should list only Nine and Ten and list the others as "The First Doctor", etc.?--Æthel 02:11, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
Don't forget Eleven. I'll add that people call the Fourth Doctor "Four" now, just as oldschool fans and the papers call Ten the Tenth Doctor. --Emma 02:28, 18 April 2009 (UTC)